I tried using your configs but I got this error when trying to create the world:
16:05:36 [iNFO] TerrainControl: settings for 'world_adv' loaded
16:05:36 [iNFO] TerrainControl: mode Normal enabled for 'world_adv'
16:05:36 [iNFO] [Multiverse-Core] Loading World & Settings - 'world_adv' - Env:
NORMAL - Type: NORMAL & generator: TerrainControl
16:05:36 [iNFO] TerrainControl: world initialized with seed is 90422302415550458
16:05:39 [iNFO] Registering world world_adv, dimension 2, of providertype net.mi
necraft.server.WorldProviderNormal@63bbc6d0(0) with Minecraft Forge
16:05:39 [iNFO] Preparing start region for level 3 (Seed: 9042230241555045896)
16:05:39 [sEVERE] [Multiverse-Core] The world 'world_adv' could NOT be loaded be
cause it contains errors!
16:05:39 [sEVERE] [Multiverse-Core] Try using Chukster to repair your world! 'wo
16:05:39 [sEVERE] [Multiverse-Core] http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admin-chunk
What I did was create a folder in the terraincontrol\worlds folder named what I was going to use my world as, copied your files in, and then I used the terraincontrol as the generator when creating the world. It loaded all the bioms and object files then gave me that error.
Any idea what to do about it?