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About Ghastly_Ghost

  • Birthday 09/16/1996

Ghastly_Ghost's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. I certainly like the idea I'm guilty of using ice blocks here and there as an alternative to plain old glass
  2. IGN: 14britw Age: 16 Skype(optional): I probably have one, I just don't remember what it was Tekkit experience(1-10): 9, forcefields are the only thing I'm still fuzzy about Time Zone: EST (Ohio) How much time do you plan on playing per day? 3 hours The build you are most proud of? a marble city with a power grid that ran on biofuel Why do you think our server is right for you? because I've always preferred smaller servers over the big, "deluxe" ones
  3. 1: IGN? 14britw

    2: Reason For Joining? A server with with than 10 people intrigues the heck out of me, it seems like it'd be really fun

    from website:

    1: Age?


    2:Skype? Not really needed

    I have an account, but I'd have to dig up the name and whatnot

    3: Maturity level? 1-10


    4: Would you ever plan on donating ( If you Donate you get automatic Slot)


    5: have you voted ?


  4. 1: IGN? 14britw 2: Reason For Joining? A server with with than 10 people intrigues the heck out of me, it seems like it'd be really fun from website: 1: Age? 16 2:Skype? Not really needed I have an account, but I'd have to dig up the name and whatnot 3: Maturity level? 1-10 8 4: Would you ever plan on donating ( If you Donate you get automatic Slot) no 5: have you voted ? yes
  5. IGN: 14britw Reason for wanting to become a member?: I hope to, at some point, experiment with the forcefields. Will you follow the rules that we have set for this server?: yessir
  6. yeah, im using firefox and it's not working. well, the reason i wanted to register is that i couldnt connect to the server the other day. connection error all day
  7. is the server website supposed to work in a certain browser? im trying to register but the security code isnt showing up
  8. IGN is 14britw "10. PVP in the main world is called Murder, and you will be jailed for 5 minutes for this" isn't this a PVE server?
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