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Posts posted by Lothos

  1. Thanks for the explanation, I assumed it was something to do with it considering to be different, but most users only use one or the other, we only set up the second IP becuase we may be doing something with a second server very soon. So the solution, obviously, is pick one or the other.

    yes, but that goes back to my earlier point they almost always for me never appear online at the same time.

  2. It's actually up more than it is down, this is the first time it's been down since the 3rd, but it is down due to an issue with the machine and is currently being repaired. I'm not really sure what you mean by switching between IP's. It has 2 IP's that are active at all times.

    i only rarely show both ip's up at the same time. do you not get the waypoint/map explore separate between the two? or the nether sharing?

  3. My favorite is still that she runs a server that's only on during the workweek and only 12 hours at that.

    Add to that tidbit that everywhere else she has posted she has frankly come off sounding like a bitch. This may be why nobody has responded in a positive manner to this thread wanting to get to know her. You see, most people on forums will browse and read for quite some time before slowly working their way into posting and developing friendships getting to know people.

  4. I had to udpate my lwjgl files in order to use my mouse thumb buttons. and since then i get sound echos in hexxit and ONLY hexxit. Never gotten this "effect" in other modpacks using the same process.

  5. again, THAT is not the MOTD. All that does is set the server message on the server list. You need an actual MOTD.txt loaded by probably an essentials plugin or some other.

    as example:

    &cWelcome, {PLAYER}&c!


    &fType &c/help&f for a list of commands.

    Currently online: {PLAYERLIST}

    My motd.txt file located in the essentials plugin subfolder.

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