Odds are the error is from overlapping item id's you're going to have to change them and make sure you're players update there ID's to match. You can use NEI to export a list of unused ID's then read the console error and find the ID that need's changing. Most mod's have a config to change the ID so fairly simple just time consuming.
Also posting the error code would help lol
The 1 I have is the correct build(frames and all the new stuff) eloraam doesn't want it released because of several bugs(all of which are in the vanilla server version but that was released anyway). Been running it on my server for weeks haven't run into any major issues I have found bugs but again nothing game breaking. Here's a simple example of the redwire bug have a powered line leading to whatever say pistons if you put say a lever in the line and toggle it will pulse the line even tho its already powered. Another bug being light sensor breaks if you use server commands to change the time from day to night but fixes itself on next cycle. Also you cant charge the sonic screwdriver in the battery box. Those are the most major bugs Ive found.
Once again if anyone wants it just msg me.
Currently I'm running a self made 1.2.5 "tekkit" server with all the mods that it would normally have EE and all its griefing glory included.
i7 920 OCed @ 4GHz
24gb ram
SSD for running the game off
running it with a max of 9gb of ram and with 4-5 of us on it hovers at around 4-6gb of ram unless we set off tones of tnt it rarely goes any higher I do allow teleport tethers(formerly chunkloading blocks in the old version) to be placed so that's prolly why it hovers that high but even before additional pipes(mod that gives teleport tethers) was updated was still hovering around 3-4gb on average which is much higher then the vanilla bukkit server I also run.
Best advice I can give you is give it as much ram as you can and run it off a linux distro(centOC ubuntu whatever). As for renting a dedicated server Ive looked into it and the price per month for what you get is absurd. Last time I priced it out(few months back) the lowest I found among the dedicated minecraft hosts was $130p/month for something that was equivalent to what am running already. According to some of the sites I checked they recommend 512mb of ram for like 10 people and that's using at least $15 a month far as am concerned that's a joke.
That's all just been my personal experience so take it how you like.
It has been ported I have a copy running on my server RP2 author asked that it not be posted if anyone wants a copy msg me.
[img width=800]
[img width=800]
[img width=800]
[img width=800]
Mod Edit: Christ in heaven, use width=800 in your image tags
You're welcome and this come will also work for a standered bukkit server Ive been running my own self made 1.2.5 tekkit server so to speak while waiting for official tekkit to update to 1.2.5 and this is what I use for it just need to modify it for the name of the jar.
java -Xmx13G -Xms8G -jar craftbukkit.jar nogui