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Everything posted by PanthomFTW

  1. This is a great server with no lag, friendly staff, and a great community! I've been playing for around 3 months, and I am still enjoying my experience :D
  2. Zombies won't be your only concern, more baddies could be out there...
  3. That's what I was thinking ;)
  4. 'Twas merely a suggestion...
  5. I suggest an application format, tech Example: IGN: Age (don't really think this is necessary, but can be used nonetheless) Previous builds (biggest deciding factor in my opinion) Timezone: What times of the day can you be on: This is an EXAMPLE. Do NOT post an application under this format.
  6. Maybe it would have been smarter to ask forscreens of previous builds...
  7. Dude... You've got pink machines... That makes the ultra-manly. Do you really want the bug to go away?
  8. Thanks for the positive comment progress of the map is going quite well, I personally expect it to be done within a month and a half Edit: probably WAY sooner than that XD
  9. Link him an imgur album. That's what I did I quoted the wrong post -_-
  10. I'll get down to building now
  11. Lol. I'll build the NorthWest country town, but i think the plantation would look better with flax, too
  12. Aww. Lol ok tell me what town you want me to build. I'll build it on a superflat ugly world and provide screens
  13. Lol. That might be harder. I could help you build the map <(>)
  14. Oh that's easy. If you don't have one, you need a church in technica. You could also make one of the towns that you haven't started more of a farming village, with windmills, barns, a big plantation, etc.I recommend East Country Town
  15. As in give you ideas on what to build?
  16. I wanna play this... So... Darn... Much
  17. Once again, I can't even connect to the site This stinks.
  18. So apparently you're 100 years older than me....

    1. Jinko123
    2. Jinko123


      btw- thats not meaning im 12, i just forgot to enter the last 2 digits in it >_

  19. Those darn cows giving me tons of trouble. Why can't they stop despawning?
  20. Yeah its pretty weird how we can't even connect to the site. I'm guessing all their servers are down. P.S. Remember me Jinko? I'm EWN2 in game :P
  21. Did you guys stop hosting? Every time I try to log in it says "connection timed out:connect" Anyone else having this problem?
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