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Everything posted by Alexizaur

  1. Hello, I try to upload Tekkit to my server host, but it says to me : 'Make .jar' How do I add in Tekkit safely ? Thanks!
  3. Do know any hosts that host Tekkit server? or support Tekkit?
  4. We can't make a server... We need a step by styep guide
  5. i'm getting this error : java.IOException: Bad packet id 72
  6. Hello dear Tekkit players/server owners/staff, me and my friend want to start a Tekkit server, but it just doesn't want to work out for us, we've been getting many errors, some we got fixed but others are still being a pain. We did A LOT but seriously A LOT of searching on Google, MCForums, Tekkit Forums, we watched over 34+ video's showing how to make a simple server. We are sure that our port forwarding is done GOOD, we are sure that we use the right files. The error we are having now is this one : 'java.IOException: Bad packet id 72' Thats the error we get when we try to join our server, I get it the error and my friend that hostes the server gets the same. Thanks for reading and trying to help us. We beg you guys, please help us, give us hints on how to setup a server...We're really desprate, we were trying to make a server yesterday we've spent 8 HOURS ! 8HOURS! and no succes... PLEASE HELP US!!!! ( http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3q1dxh/ <--- Here's a picture of us...) Thanks!
  7. You're amazing, you helped me soo much!!!!!! I hope you'll become a mod/admin one day on the forums!

    1. Beer


      Jesus, I don't. Why do you have to say such hurtful things?

  8. It opens a port so that people can connect to you. But if you totally have no idea what that is you might want to use Hamachi, it's much easier. (Google will help you out if you want to port forward.)
  9. He has to be on your IP then he has to type 'localhost'. But if you want him to join your server you'll have to port forward. There are tons of port forwarding guides on the internet.
  10. Oh thanks !! I LUV YOU !!!!!
  11. Yea it gives me the same error :/.
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