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Posts posted by cerevox

  1. The thing about the quarry though is that it takes almost no knowledge, skill, or effort to get up and running decently. Turtles and rp2 frames both beat it out in pretty much every category, but a quarry is just so simple. If i need a hole NOW I use a bomb, if I need resources right now I just dig them up myself. A quarry is the simplest option, and the starting point for pretty much everyone. Most people, at least it seems to me, start at the quarry, turtles are an advanced thing.

    Plus, there is just something soothing about watching the quarry rip its way down to bedrock. Something that really feels of the industrial revolution when the only goal was output and damn the consequences.

  2. Buildcraft covers every possibility. Not very well, but if you can't find anything else that will do it, BC will. That and several other mods that are quite nice rely on it. Forestry might have a loopy author, but the mod itself is great, and it needs buildcraft stuff to work. The BC quarry is one of the best mining machines around. I admit, I use IC for my basic stuff and only dip into BC for specific functions. It really feels that BC is the brute force approach, sometimes finesse and skill matters, sometimes you just want a 30x30 hole straight to bedrock.

  3. I was just playing a single player tekkit lite game, so I personally can confirm that not everybody has this problem. Perhaps if you got the crash log and posted a bug report someone may actually be able to help but right now, with the amount of information you have given, the place you have given it, and the tone you have taken, I sort of doubt a great deal of help will be forthcoming.

  4. That's a dev version, so could be back in 10 seconds, or 10 months. You just never know. In the mean time, you might want to set up some missile interceptors. Or, if blastcraft is missing for everyone, go hunting for other people's bases. After all, their blastcraft is gone too.....

  5. I find cruise launchers to be a little hard to use. Perhaps I am just retarded but I routinely blow myself up with them. Honestly though, your best bet is to sneak in close and fire several missiles at them. Any good base should have an anti-missile missile sitting on a pad hooked to a radar at all times so if they are actually defending themselves your first missile will get shot down anyway.

  6. IIRC a missile can't travel through unloaded chunks, although it has possible that has changed since last time I checked. I am sure though that the chunk has to at least have been explored, since if there are unexplored chunks the missile shouldn't go through.

  7. I don't know offhand, but I suspect that 20 seconds in creative would be enough to determine this. I am also going to guess that they don't, since they come from two different mods I wouldn't expect the retriever to be able to pull across a teleport like that.

  8. If you disable the creation of descriptive books by anyone except ops then regular players will still be able to use linking books or portals or already created descriptive books to travel to other dimensions, they just won't be able to create their own dimensions. This was the goal, to keep players from just spamming dimensions, if I understand the problem correctly.

  9. Villagers themselves are unloaded but the mod continues to simulate the village as a whole, which it does for every village you discover. So if you have found 100 villages, then your game is doing calucations for all 100 villages at all times. It is kind of like it is simulating them at one zoom level up so not the individuals but the village itself is still building and growing and having diplo relations with other villages. A quarry with a world anchor is a lot less overhead than a dozen villages working at the same time.

  10. Earlier question? I don't see any question in your previous post that anyone here would have an answer to. If you are wondering about the mod itself, perhaps the mod's own thread/forum would be a better place to ask. Although I doubt the issue is being fixed, since one of the big problems is actually a feature of the pack, not a bug. I am referring to the fact that villages continue to act no matter how far away they are.

  11. First post, first thread, at the very very top of this forums in the rule sections. Has a list of rules, one of which is no asking for ETAs, which makes sense. I imagine that the devs are working as hard as they can/want to and that things get updated as possible. Asking for when is like asking when we are going to develop commercially viable immortality. Everyone has a guess, no one knows for sure, but we are all very interested.

  12. Flan's planes are interesting and the closest thing we have to them in the pack is RP2 frame airships which is far from the simplest to make. However, just a quick glance through his install instructions for it would make anyone think that the mod is way strange in its construction since it has multiple specialized dependencies on other mods. Would be cool if it was in, but at the same time, would probably be a silly huge amount of work assuming that the required utility mods didn't conflict horribly with something.

    Minecolony I am betting won't get in because it feels really really unpolished. It seems stable and you can just install it straight into the current rec build with no hassle and no tweaking required at all, but the mod itself has internal problems. Some of the buildings the villagers make are not quite right looking with misplaced walls and certain commands you give to the villagers cause them to rebuild their own buildings over top of their own buildings which ends up with a weird mishmash of partial buildings. Stable, but that is about all it has going for it.

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