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Everything posted by IOn_Vash

  1. Fixed VIP+ players not being able to craft volcanite
  2. what is your in game name?
  3. Hammers are now VIP only
  4. So I decided to take the time now to fix it. If anything Isn't working let me know. So we now have official ranks Admins: (if you need a nether portal lit these guys can do it + what mods can do + what janitors can do) name color is red can do anything Mods: (if you have been griefed these guys can handle it + what janitors can do) name color is blue can ban and kick players /eban /ekick can tp to players /tp can break players blocks can check players inventories /openinv can check and break players protected machines and chests. can rollback players and check who did what "/co inspect" toggles this "/co rollback u:<playername> t:<ammount of time example: 3h=3 hours, 5d=5 days. full example (/co rollback u:bob_bobs_son t:30d) would roll bob_bobs_son back 30 days> get the Janitor stuff get the VIP stuff (excluding items) Janitors: (if you need a block broken these guys can do it) name color is yellow can break players blocks get the VIP stuff (excluding items) VIPs: (you can get this by donating) name color is green get the vip stuff
  5. Ok... so the permissions file decided to delete itself when i added a couple new ranks it will take me a while to fix it, its not gonna happen tonight.
  6. The world is going to be reset. The following Items will be made VIP only: RM Furnace Mercurial Eye Red Morning Star Volcanite Amulet Evertide Amulet Gem Armor Ring of Arcana Ring of Ignition Mining Laser World Anchor Dimensional Anchor Teleport Tether The banned items list will be updated to include: Destruction Catalyst Hyperkinetic Lens Catalytic Lens Nova Catalyst Nova Cataclysm Nuke TNT Industrial TNT Dynamite Sticky Dynamite Cannons
  7. so we are now on the latest version of tekkit 3.1.2 that is still on the 1.2.5 version of minecraft
  8. not really massively griefed the map has been going for a few months now so its got a lot of wear near spawn also for some reason a lot of the people near spawn destroyed their own homes and quit, others were actually griefed a bit but the players who owned the houses never come on anymore so they never get repaired.
  9. thats an error on mojangs side. http://xpaw.ru/mcstatus/ the session server is down
  10. it crashed should be fixed now
  11. H0mIeKSV was banned on my old server.
  12. about 6 hours before i get home.
  13. I can't there isn't an option to disable that. The server keeps crashing apparently because of a bug with ender chests. I do not know how to fix it or what exactly causes it. Looks like a problem with tekkit itself.
  14. Well I plan on reseting when tekkit is on 1.3(if that even happens) This probably wont happen for quite a while.
  15. server should be fine now
  16. server seems a bit empty today. where is everyone?
  17. only explosives and things that are mainly used to cause explosions are banned. basically, if you can make it you can use it. any banned item will delete itself from your inventory.
  18. When tekkit is finally put on 1.3 I may restart the world and depending on if IDs change or not you might not be able to keep your stuff in a alchemy bag.
  19. Server was crashed for a bit. its up now.
  20. The server move is finished
  21. its still being moved right now I will post when its finished moving
  22. Server moved to ionvash.dyndns.org (no port)
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