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Everything posted by sinver

  1. All services are down now, this could be a good thing though, perhaps a reboot of the system now it is fixed?
  2. I think the minecraft login servers are down.
  3. Thank you for your kind words, made my usual crappy Monday morning a little better Sadly, I have to tell you it cannot be taught. I am simply like this due to being a grumpy old man!
  4. GF Gaming Ban Reviewer

  5. Please post in the ban appeal forum, with as much details as possible and I will look in to it. http://gfgaming.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=18
  6. Have you logged in previously? And if you did, do you own an automatic crafting table?
  7. I can't see you in the ban appeal forum, or is it under a different name? If you are krutska then it looks bad for you.
  8. You are clearly an idiot as well as incapable of looking for things under your nose, here is the link to the gf forums. I even linked you straight to the ban appeal section. http://gfgaming.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=18&sid=28c1251e8097bdc7fdca6704f8a305d5 However, I personally advise you don't bother, you have somewhere between nothing, and feck all chance. This will be my last reply to you, as I fear I am feeding a troll here.
  9. Server is down, shame really as I was just gonna rebuild my new house. I guess we will need to wait for Blackie to wakey wakey!
  10. Stop spamming the forum here. There is a ban appeal on the gf forums. However I don't hold much hope for you.
  11. This is my favourite "I didn't do it" pathetic appeal ever. So, first you claim to have been hacked. When Blackie catches you out as lying there, you then claim it was not you, but (pardon the giggle, but it IS an old favourite) your brother! Oh, that IS a new one. Then you finally admit it WAS you. You are a liar, immature, and frankly, an idiot. Move along please.
  12. A white list means there is some testing and is only ever temporary. Not sure it was necessary to quote the whole intro though. It does look nice mind you.
  13. Happened to me too, I wasn't even typing anything and BAM! Three warnings for spam lol
  14. Please don't patronise me, we all have real life. The point is, when we have a break it's nice to escape, only your servers stability has been shockingly awful lately. I do not advise anyone donates until the server is worth it. It was once, that's why I did but based on current performance it isn't worth a penny.
  15. This, it doesn't fill me with confidence in this server if the owner can't even follow a basic rule.
  16. Tried a different server as I have had enough of this shit, and that server just went down now. This game hates me.
  17. It's down. Again. All day. Do you even care anymore Blackie?
  18. This is supposed to be open, I fear the server has reset and forgotten this. Oh well, on to the next server!
  19. In game I am sinver147, and if I find a server that offers the same as this one before it is up, then I will go there. So far, nothing has come close.
  20. Only Blackie knows. However, if the reliability doesn't improve, I fear many will not bother. It is down more than the fecking titanic these days.
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