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Everything posted by sinver

  1. By the way, is it the host doing maintenence, or you?
  2. Thanks for the update Blackie. Sure, it sucks the server is down, but the fact you at least told us why is an improvement on past communication skills. I hope it is back soon, I am bored and the wife is watching crap telly.
  3. Server is bedding in, though I wish my wife went down as often :P
  4. But then again perhaps it will be. Blackie, you can only rely on the faith we have on you for so long. The lack of communication is worrying. Should we look elsewhere?
  5. If its white list then it is admins doing some testing. Not long now I'm sure!
  6. Blackie you're so cruel Letting us log in for two minutes then telling us we couldn't stay before severing the connection ( for a good reason I'm sure of course )
  7. Can I ask how your anti-grief property protection works?
  8. "Soon" is a strange thing. I remember I used to play an online game called "Jumpgate", and the major patch for allowing player owned stations was always coming "soon". It ended up being "soon™" as a joke. Took approximately 2 years in the end! Soon, is in the eye of the server holder :)
  9. I am literally frothing at the mouth in anticipation.
  10. There are a lot of very talented people in this server, sadly I am not one of them, so I am sure that could be done! Any takers? Oh, did I mention? Register on the GF forums!
  11. Hello fam, you must be new here The server troubles have been very well documented in the gf gaming forums, I highly recommend you register there if you haven't already as there's lots of useful info there. The address is : http://gfgaming.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=14 To give you the short and easy story, the old server was ddos attacked and suffered reliabity issues. This was not blackies fault and he has since acquired a new host with a dedicated computer which in theory should perform better. It will hopefully be up today, so hang in there as this server is terrific.
  12. It could be white listed temporarily while blackie sets it up, patience young pad'wan.
  13. No, the new host has hit snags, and we are still on the old one.
  14. White list means it is being tested, it will not remain that so you do not need adding, just gotta wait for it to restart.
  15. Yeah, weirdly it worked after a few tries. Thanks for the tip!
  16. It certainly shows as up, but when I try to join I get the white screen of nothingness :(
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