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Everything posted by sinver

  1. Sorry if it is a daft question, but how do you rename it? If I click on the edit button it just tells me I cant edit and wouldnt be worth looking at anyway!
  2. Hi all, firstly apologies if this should be in the server forum, but as it is an advice request I figured here was appropriate. I have got myself a small space on "MClayer" using the multicraft file server to run a small server, mainly for me and the missus. However, I followed the instructions for uploading the tekkit server zip, and renamed it as instructed. (I followed this: https://clientarea.minecraftlayer.com/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&id=46) However, despite selecting "craftbukkit" in the jar selection part of my server controls, when starting a game, none of the tekkit items exist. For example, to test it I tried to spawn a copper bar, and it says that item does not exist. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
  3. I guessed it might be a light issue but that specific information about light level is very interesting and I didn't know that. So for this I am genuinely grateful. Before reading this I went a bit light mad so will check later but will be amazed if any part of the residence is anywhere near 8 now lol
  4. So, unless there's plenty of light, they can randomnly spawn anywhere? Including my house? I shall place lots of light!
  5. I have a security issue! Mobs seem to get in my house, despite the fact it is walled by marble brick, and also has a marble brick floor running an extra layer below. There is no dirt connected to the house. The roof is wood planks, and windows are filled with glass. The doors are wood, and only activated with pressure plates internally. How are spiders and others getting in?
  6. I will try, though my experience of new games with the missus usually means me getting stroppy at first lol. Oh, and does it make me a bad person to not tell her I can spawn stuff? I want to do it properly!
  7. Oh How I just laughed. I scare myself with how dumb I can be. Please forgive me ed, I followed your instructions too literally hence why it didn't initially work. You see I did delete the "world" folder, forgetting I had renamed my game so had a named folder too that should be deleted. Deleting THIS folder sorted it! Thanks for the help again, and apologies for being a bit dumb.
  8. If I have already started, what do I need to delete to restart the world? I knhow it will lose whatever I did but that's fine as I have barely done anything.
  9. Aaah! The seed. I didn't see that! Thank you so much. Now to search the interwebs for a good seed!
  10. So, my missus wants to play Tekkit, but only on our own small server with real life friends. This is easily done, thanks to some great tutorials on YouTube I managed to get one setup, version 3.0.4, and thanks to a lot of RAM I can even play on the same PC. So, after a bit of a misunderstanding with the IP, I finally got her laptop to connect, and all is well. My issue, is most my world is under water! Theres a few islands and that's it. Is there a way to "respawn" the world to have more land? Even if it is just to reset server and randomnly roll the reset dice? The server works fine, just I am not a great swimmer :)
  11. Torezu is right. My wifes laptop had the same issue. I looked at the graphics card monitor and noticed it was not using the nvidia card. I went in to the settings and changed it, and voila! Problem solved. Also, make sure if you have a 64 bit OS that you have both 64 and 32 bit versions of Java 7 installed. Oh, and yeah, I noticed the technic bit in the title but I am new and not a mod so am not authorised to tell you to post in the right section :)
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