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About MaximusPrime3

  • Birthday 05/20/1999

MaximusPrime3's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Age:14 IGN (In Game Name)MaximusPrime3 Why Do you want to Play on this Server?Want a larger community that is still free of one time trollers What Do you want to Build? An entire city based around a single massive factory(very long term goal!)
  2. Name: Max Rokke IGN:MaximusPrime3 Age:14 Favorite Tekkit Mod:Galacticraft What is your favorite activity besides minecraft? Swimming Tell us a little about yourself: (3-5 sentences is preferred)I enjoy building large, complicated factories in regions where it is easy to get to, so i like to showoff a bit. i may be quiet at first but when i warm up to the members i will be more out going. i also ave a good friend ill get to apply if can Tell us about something you like about yourself:I can create good looking buildings Tell us about something you don't like about yourself:I over think everything and often end up botching it because of that
  3. Why I would like to be on: I got bored of doing minecraft alone in general and am also no fan of pvp servers so i want to just be on a small friendly server with people who aren't dumb What I want to achieve: I would want to make a safe trading post on each of the planets in galacticraft Age:14 (if that is to young i understand)
  4. 1.Your Minecraft username. MaximusPrime3 2.Your age.13 (I'm mature, and will understand if not accepted because I am to young) 3.Your general location in the world (Earth).Fargo,ND 4.Your ideal starting area/biome, and most desired local resource? Plains with any kind of forest(not jungle)nearby 4/2. either iron,copper and tin together, or diamond 5.A general description of your ideal playstyle and any other information about you. I like settling down a place with a cave system and room to build a city 5/2. not much else to say
  5. IGN: MaximusPrime3 Age:13 Project you plan to build: Small house or help others with builds Minecraft experience:about 1 year Tekkit experience: good with all but redpower and cc Why you want to join the server: because most other servers have griefers or are littered with giant builds. just looking to settle down with some nice people and a slightly open map
  6. P.S. my computer might randomly cut me out for no reason just so you know
  7. Experience with Tekkit: Simple stuff but not uber fancy things and red power bluetricity Did you read the rules?:yes Your personal http://whitelist.mcf.li/ link: I'm sorry but i dont understand but heres my ign MaximsPrime3 Why were you banned?[if not leave blank]:
  8. What is your minecraft Username? : MaximusPrime3 What do you plan to do once you join? : Get more experience with tekkit. How much experience have you had with tekkit? : Not much as I said Have you read our rules? : Of course
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