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Conner McCarthy

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About Conner McCarthy

  • Birthday 01/23/1998

Conner McCarthy's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. [Whitelist Application] Minecraft Name:coonthegoon2 Why you would like to join the community here at SilliTekkit:I'm looking for a server with a decent community and no disabled items Do you have any bans on record?No If so, Why? How long will you be able to play on SilliTekkit?: When I don't have a lot to do a few hours a week.
  2. IGN:coonthegoon2 Age:16 Country/Timezone:USA,Pacific Tekkit Experience:Good understanding of all things tekkit. Reason for joining:Looking for a server to spend some time on and build some coo stuff. Have you read the rules:Of course. How long have you played tekkit:Roughly a year What you feel you can contribute:Understanding of the mods and help with technical things. Time you can contribute to the server: A bit after school and practice maybe some time on the weekends.
  3. What happened i joined today to find two peoples private server can you guys update us or if it wont be making a comeback let us know?
  4. Theyre working on it zoom id imagine it wont be too much longer. And Takeda and Ren try adding football on top of university then we'll talk;)
  5. Iv been at football practice 6 days a week-.- the one day off my server is down:( hahah whatever though its cool
  6. InGameName:coonthegoon2 About me:You guys know me! Location: PST Why Tekkitia?: Because Its my server and worth the wait Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? YES
  7. Bewood is back with the server :D

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  8. i dont want to play on a sever that has anything disabled

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  9. Im having trouble finding a new server where are you guys playing now?

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  10. Should i just be patient, or is this a permanent shutdown?

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