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About Frostbite200

  • Birthday 01/20/1995

Frostbite200's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Hello, I wanted to meet you on the server zerocraft but i was banned instantly
  2. Cogito ergo sum. <----- Heard of it?
  3. Steam login: frostie2002 Runescape: frostie2002 Minecraft: frostie2002 Skype: frostie2002 WoW: frostie2002 Youtube: frostie2002 PSN: frostie2002 Xbox live: frostie2002 Origin: frostie2002 Diablo 3: frostie2002 Guild wars 2: frostie2002 Twitter: frostie2002 Minecraft forums: frostie2002 Planet minecraft: frostie2002 Kerbal space program forums: frostie2002 EvE online: frostie2002 DayZ: frostie2002 Terraria: frostie2002 Realm of the mad god: frostie2002
  4. Hey Megatomic, ill join your LP Age: 12 I can host the server My pc doesnt lag so I can record IGN: frostie2002 Skype: j.flowerday I can record whenever you want, and I have a youtube account.
  5. Ok I've got some screenshots now so this should help. The Passkey protected door http://imgur.com/JxlVG The Main control screen http://imgur.com/MEo9s The big status screens in the staff lobby http://imgur.com/EfdF0 The technician's reactor status screen (I need someone to get it to work) http://imgur.com/BVbP8 The staff seats and there is 6 tool charging docks on the wall http://imgur.com/khVhZ
  6. Hello Everyone! I am making a factory called JFrost Industries! My friend jjlump and I have started on the main compound and power generators, but we need someone who is good at Redpower and Computercraft. I am good with all the generators and transport and pretty much all of IC2 and BC. My friend Justin is good with power transport and buildings. If you would like to help on this hopefully amazing project of ours just reply in this thread. We both have Skype and Teamspeak 3 and were on quite... ok, a LOT of the time so communication and timing shouldnt be a problem. Frostie2002, Signing out.
  7. How long did you spend on that factory?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Frostbite200


      You have a lot of free time on your hands...

    3. Backplague


      Summer vacation = i have all the time i need.

    4. Frostbite200


      Im so jeally :(

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