First, before I knew of this thread, I googled about and snatched that very zip above. I tossed it into my mod folder. It "worked", I got my beloved CTIII, and when I went about to use it… the options were pretty crappy. No IC2 or EE options were available, but there were a few options from other mods. Also, the only thing I could do with tin was making nuggets out of it, convert it to a darker version of itself, and nothing else. So I suppose it didn't work.
THEN I decided to come to this forum and try to find what other users did. I found this thread. I didn't like the idea of tampering with modpack.jar, so I tried still leaving the zip into the mods folder, renaming it to 00AAACraftingTableIII-1.8.zip or ZZZCraftingTableIII-1.8.zip, no difference in end result for either attempt.
Then I decided to go ahead and try to follow these instructions verbatim.
When I entered my save, my base built on top of a volcano during a microblock binge… All non-vanilla blocks of it… were transformed into air.
And I, known among my peers as pinnacle of one who correctly backs stuff up… I… I failed.
My wooooorlllllddddd………………!!!!! *whine whine whine*
(some time later…)
Removed ~/Library/Application Support/techniclauncher/technicssp completely
Logged into the launcher so stuff downloads
When asked about block IDs, quit
Added my custom mods (CraftingTableIIIB1.8, NEIPatch provided by the CTIII, MineLittlePony1_2_6_for_ModLoader) to the mods folder
Logged back in
Automatically assign all block IDs \o/
New world. But the world seed, that, I had it backed up. Oh well.
Some tin…
A CTiii…
Still no. : (