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Everything posted by Ekevoo

  1. FINALLY figured it out after much digging. Here's for posterity: Edit buildcraft/config/AdditionalPipes.cfg Find and change: TeleportTether.Enabled=false Edit config/railcraft/railcraft.cfg Find and change: cube.world.anchor=false Find and change: entity.cart.anchor=0 UPDATE: There's also the Immibis' Dimensional Anchor that does that too. It's less harmful because it limits to 3 per player by default, but, for completeness' sake, here it is: Edit config/immibis.cfg Option 1, disable for everyone. Find and change: chunkloader.id=0 Option 2, admin use only. Find and change: chunkloader.maxChunksPerPlayer=0
  2. This sucks. I've been searching for a while and all I find is "this has been answered before, use the search". Talk about self-DEFEATING prophecy…
  3. I find it funny that part of the argument is kinda like "yes it's creative" "no it's not creative" as if turning the game into a more creative-like stance is a bad thing. I like EE exactly because it makes the game more into creative mode. They still have to manage resources, it's just a lot easier. People still have to earn their power, but once they do, it's powerful indeed. I trust my players to be able to wield such power wisely… sometimes they don't, I have had to reset chunks several times because of interaction between EE and BuildCraft turning into ridiculous amounts of entities, but that's ok, I like to encourage experimentation. I find it a bit more satisfying than vanilla sometimes. The vanilla server is still my main server though.
  4. They removed it because it's unstable.
  5. Alrighty! Thank you kindly. : )
  6. Ok, So, First, before I knew of this thread, I googled about and snatched that very zip above. I tossed it into my mod folder. It "worked", I got my beloved CTIII, and when I went about to use it… the options were pretty crappy. No IC2 or EE options were available, but there were a few options from other mods. Also, the only thing I could do with tin was making nuggets out of it, convert it to a darker version of itself, and nothing else. So I suppose it didn't work. THEN I decided to come to this forum and try to find what other users did. I found this thread. I didn't like the idea of tampering with modpack.jar, so I tried still leaving the zip into the mods folder, renaming it to 00AAACraftingTableIII-1.8.zip or ZZZCraftingTableIII-1.8.zip, no difference in end result for either attempt. Then I decided to go ahead and try to follow these instructions verbatim. When I entered my save, my base built on top of a volcano during a microblock binge… All non-vanilla blocks of it… were transformed into air. And I, known among my peers as pinnacle of one who correctly backs stuff up… I… I failed. My wooooorlllllddddd………………!!!!! *whine whine whine* (some time later…) OK. NOW. CLEAN SLATE ATTEMPT. Removed ~/Library/Application Support/techniclauncher/technicssp completely Logged into the launcher so stuff downloads When asked about block IDs, quit Added my custom mods (CraftingTableIIIB1.8, NEIPatch provided by the CTIII, MineLittlePony1_2_6_for_ModLoader) to the mods folder Logged back in Automatically assign all block IDs \o/ New world. But the world seed, that, I had it backed up. Oh well. … … Some tin… A CTiii… Still no. : (
  7. Well, what command is it? I can't find it in the command reference.
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