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Everything posted by kallekulle

  1. ^ wait, who? I haven't gotten any messages...
  2. InGameName: kallekulle About me: (brief intro to you) Not much to say, a quite clever, quick thinking young male on 15 autumns, who like to automate as much as possible, make a nice area to live in, and live isolated. I join multiplayer servers simply for the communitites, and to discuss ideas with others. Irl I'm mostly a PC-playing guy, fisher and huntsman that' isn't afraid of many things. Location: (timezone works) Gmt+2, Finland Why Tekkitia?: Small server, seems like a griefingfree server, and hopefully I'll get along good. Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Well that obvious, I wouldn't be here if it was anarchy Thanks for reading!
  3. Minecraft name: kallekulle Age: 15 Location: Finland What do you plan todo on our server(any major project plans?): not that much, make a nice base, enjoy the server etc. regular player stuff
  4. It's a hamachi server, I can live. Altho, its a pity, looked like a great server. Said it in a joking manner as well, therefore the smile. Oh well, think about it. Its a great guy you're missing out on. Good night.
  5. would most certainly appear I speak better swedish than your english :P
  6. IGN: kallekulle Tekkit Exp: Well, enough to advance far and very quickly What is your best Tekkit Skill? EE/IC2/RP2 If you could add or remove a rule at ZagCraft, which would you remove/add? adding a rule that trolling is allowed. I'll stay mature if admins will tell me too, but I like to toss in a troll moment every now and then :3 Languages Spoken: English, swedish (finnish, but VERY barely)
  7. IGN: kallekulle Reason for wanting to become a member: I would be a great addition to the community, I have alot of experience with theese mods, and I'm looking for a new community Why should we accept you: I know quite alot about tekkit, and Im a friendly person
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