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Everything posted by ZFrancavilla

  1. IGN:zfrancavilla Age:19 Country:US Tekkit Experience: Heavy classic experience, including more than one High-end staff positions. Lite?.....New to me Do you have a Mic: Yes Are you able to use Teamspeak?: Yes Reason or Reasons for wanting to join?: I want to learn, dammit.
  2. Username: zfrancavilla Age: 19 Why Tekkitopia? I am in desperate need to find a server to lean all about different aspects of tekkit lite, as I have been too used to classic. Figured this would be a good place to start. Your secret code: 12zfr
  3. IGN: zfrancavilla AGE: 18 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: I've never been banned, but as previous staff of a different server, I have been kicked as a permissions test. WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT? The ability to do such a wide variety of things and the technical aspect of IC2 and buildcraft (Planning on starting some railcraft soon. WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY? Well, I don't find myself to be a terrible builder and I try to be as friendly and as helpful as possible. I'm always willing to lend a hand.
  4. IGN: zfrancavilla AGE: 18 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: I've never been banned, but as previous staff of a different server, I have been kicked as a permissions test. WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT? The ability to do such a wide variety of things and the technical aspect of IC2 and buildcraft (Planning on starting some railcraft soon. WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY? Well, I don't find myself to be a terrible builder and I try to be as friendly and as helpful as possible. I'm always willing to lend a hand.
  5. IGN is ZFrancavilla. I didn't see an application or app outline in the original post, but I am 18 years of age and have a fair amount of tekkit and staffing experience and I feel like I could be a fine add to the Fleskis community.
  6. Your In Game Name: Zfrancavilla Your Age: 18 How often are you planning on playing: quite often (at least outside of work and class) For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: multiple spawns on multiple servers For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: I need a whitelisted server to avoid griefing. and this seems to have the qualities I'm looking for.
  7. We should add machines rooms at spawn. That'd be awesome! :D
  8. The server is fixed and reloaded. All of us here thank you for your patience.
  9. The server is having some unexpected errors, we're currently working on a fix. Please be patient with us, we try to give our players the best experience possible.
  10. This server has seriously been all that I was expecting and more.
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