Your In Game Name:RaptorReaper964
Your Age:14 ( I am quite young, but don't mistake that for a mindset of being childish)
How often are you planning on playing: Several days a week with 3-4 hours a day
For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: My most proud build achievement is stricture built within a mountain, running all throughout it. It connects and utilizes cave systems built throughout it with living quarters built by me to accommodate it. This mountain is part of a custom map and stretches from the top (256 blocks) to the bottom( bedrock) of the map.
For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: I hope to be able to build in a mature anvironment, figure out Tekkit's more complex areas and make some new friends while I'm at it.
For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: Minecraft has kinda gone through spurts with me. I used to play Minecraft alot back in 1.7.3., but after a few updates, I kinda got bored of SP, and went into MP. Vanilla MP kinda got a wee bit boring, so a went over to mods and found Tekkit. After Playing on several different kinds of servers, I have come to the conclusion that no matter where you build, griefers are always sure to find you. So, I've set out to find servers that have the 'mature behavior' mindset, and trying my luck out. I know a fair bit about Classic Tekkit, its the one I've always used. I hope to be able to build without the worry of griefers and trolls, and maybe make some new friends while I'm at it.
Additional Comments: I am more fondly know as RaptorChu, but In Minecraft I am know as RaptorReaper964.