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About RadioactiveSand

  • Birthday 05/05/1986

RadioactiveSand's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. I did some experiments with reactors and Thermal Expansion a while back. Its do-able. One Aqueous Accumulator can supply up to 4 Glacial Percipitators with water and each Glacial Percipitator can automatically eject snowballs into IC2 Compressors. Percipitators generating ice blocks is too slow to be useful for reactor cooling unless you have an insane amount of them or a low yield reactor. The compressors need to be overclocked to keep up with the Percipitators and the demand of the reactor. However, the design isn't without its costs as the Compressors need a large chunk of eu to keep running so you're going to need some additional source of power, at least in the beginning, to stockpile ice.
  2. As of the 7.2 rec build of technic the giant rubber trees only spawn in jungles and are exceedingly, almost stupidly, rare.
  3. No, its definately listed under IndustrialCraft 2 as an addon mod on the Technic mods page. http://www.technicpack.net/technic/
  4. According to the mods list on the website, this mod should still be in the Technic pack but they do not actually appear to be in the latest version. So, does anyone know why they didn't make it into the latest version of Technic?
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