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Everything posted by GreekOverdose

  1. Name : Mano IGN : GreekOverdose Age/Sex : 19 / Male Loc./time zone : UK, GMT Why this server : I have been looking for a mature whitelisted server recently and from the ages of the other applicants this server sounds perfect, also I like to explore as many mods as possible so with nothing banned this server should be great. Favorite Mod : Probably Industrial Craft but I love all the possibilities redpower brings to tekkit. Why should we accept you :Because I am more than willing to share what knowledge I know about Tekkit and also I would love to be a part of this community. Record : Clean One word to describe you : Selfless Email : [email protected]
  2. IGN - GreekOverdose Age - 19 Country - UK Preferred Role- Builder Got Any Fallout Knowledge? - I have finished Fallout 3 a few times and have quite a few hours playtime logged on New Vegas Why you want to join in - Fallout is a brilliant game and it would be a lot of fun to try and replicate it on Minecraft.
  3. Hey can you whitelist my friend he is completely new to minecraft and has no idea what he is doing xD his IGN is boobsforme thanks
  4. In game name: GreekOverdose Age: 18 Why? Why would i like to join? I have been looking for a good Tekkit server to play on which has a friendly community and active admins, i hope this server will be the right one. I plan to try out redpower2 as I haven't done much with it as of yet. I know IC2 and EE2 like the back of my hand. I know very little about Buildcraft but i am eager to learn about it. How long will you be able to play? A day, 1 - 3 hours more when i am not at college. Have you ever been banned? Nope http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/c43e2b5436b07432dd07e1482762e09848c0254a
  5. This server looks amazing and I would love to be a part of it, IGN: GreekOverdose
  6. This server is literally lag free and everyone is just so nice and friendly, such a great community. By far one of the best servers I have played on :)
  7. The server is filling up so quick :o
  8. Name : GreekOverdose Age : 18 Reason you want to join : I am looking for a tekkit server where I can meet new people and play around with the awesomeness that is tekkit Have you ever been banned before : Nope.
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