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Everything posted by whacklezz

  1. Looks like something got caught in an infinite loop somehow. Reminds me of how BuildCraft power pipes (used to?) make the server blow up when you connect them in a loop, but this seems to be RedPower, or at least redstone, related. Any additional info on what happened before the crash? Not sure of the state of the server or the map, but if you have any idea of what might be causing it, you might want to back up the map and iteratively use e.g. MCEdit to replace certain blocks with air and see if the problem still persists. When the problem block type have been identified, see what you can do to minimize the impact when applying a fix on the backup map.
  2. Have not been able to log in all day, but the server replies on ping from command prompt, and its port 25565 seems open. From inside Minecraft, the server looks inaccessible, with "Can't reach server" or "Communication error". Disregarding this and clicking Join Server shows "Logging in..." until "Connection Lost - End of stream". I am able to join other servers, and have tried rebooting both comp and router several times, as well as reinstalling the launcher and Java. Any idea what's up?
  3. InGameName: whacklezz About me: 26 years old, engineering cybernetics student. I have been playing Minecraft since early beta, and using BuildCraft/IndustrialCraft/RedPower since way before Tekkit. Have set up and managed small (externally hosted Bukkit) servers with real life friends, but not been part of a purely online MC community before. I consider myself laid back and open minded, yet focused and goal driven. Always up for a laugh! Location: Norway (GMT+1) Why Tekkitia?: One of two servers on the first few pages of white list servers, which included the word "Mature" in the description. Seems like a promising community of a suitable size to me. Do you understand troublemaking/rule-breaking/griefing will get you banned/removed? Beyond all doubt, and I will expect the server to live up to the same standards as me when it comes to this.
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