Nope. I dont work every time. I have another things to do. Progress going slow. So Im trying to get current contributors to help me as possible.
You see... this is an outdated version. What Im working on with a few members of community is updated. Few new textures/blocks etc.
PS: Thats was the progress we used to be before. Now we are more ahead.
Working out textures for newest tekkit version so far its not being easy to work on it alone. Im about to release few screenshot of redpower2 made by Sage Harquia and by me.
Well I didnt made Dokucraft. Doku did it. Im just making support for it.
Also new screenshot of the ores. We have a apatite ore now.
Also I see in tekkit new version theres isnt few things on old version of it anymore.
I'm working based on Sphax PureBDCraft plus some Rorax details which Im making an updated light version which there isnt one yet(Since Light Flavour is default of Dokucraft). I might work for another flavours very soon.