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Everything posted by Terran350
Darn... I was gonna ask you if i could play
Ign: Terran350 Age Above 12:15 Skype Yes/No:Yes Tekkit Experience Noob/Advanced/Expert:Advanced Good Sense of Humor Yes/No:Yes Able To Host Server Yes/No:No Can You Record:Yes Youtube Channel:Yes I'm good at all things Tekkit
looking for people to help do a lp with for tekkit.
Terran350 replied to ninja85a's topic in Let's Play Pavillion
I'll join on my spare time from my other guys and me.:) -
We need 1 person for RailCraft!!! If you want to join in fill out the application and pm me it!!!
Umm sorry no i only need 1 more person and you dont fit the profile:(
Hello all, i am about to start making tekkit videos and would like about 3 partners... So if you would like to join send me your(pm me all this for safety purposes): Name: Skype name: Ign: Age: What you are good at( need 1 for each mod(IC2, Buildcraft, railcraft) EE is already taken)): If you can host a server: Thanx and have a great tekkit time!!!:)
Hello all, i am about to start making tekkit videos and would like about 3 partners... So if you would like to join send me your( inbox me all this, protective reasons for you guys): Name: Skype name: Ign: Age: What you are good at( need 1 for each mod(IC2, Buildcraft, railcraft) EE is already taken)): If you can host a server:
Lets Play Tekkit | 3 More Players Needed.
Terran350 replied to SpecialJay's topic in Let's Play Pavillion
I applied i sound older and I think ill be a great addition to ur team:) -
2-4 Players needed for a YouTube Tekkit Series
Terran350 replied to ArjunCheema's topic in Let's Play Pavillion
I'd like to aply for it my ign is the same as my username -
Username:Terran350 Age:15 Do you have Skype?yes pking4197 Timezone:Hawaii Hours of your regular online times:4-8 usually with breaktimes for dinner and homework What can you offer the server as a Moderator?Help and support. Info and Details. Basically anything You see two players arguing. You go to investigate and learn that one of the players has destroyed one of the other's creation? What are the steps you take to fix the problem?first see if the person who destroyed said other persons creation had any bans before. If he did than i would ban him. If not warn him and have him pay or make a the creation again. If he cant create it for him then that person has to give the materials to create it to the person who created it in the first place. But if that person does not or says no to what I say I would ban him and then give the other person the item.
Minecraft Username (IGN):Terran350 Age:15 Tekkit Experience:since it started... Reliability (Why I should pick you): Because I hate griefers and modders. If I see one happening I would surely ban them or report. Also I am real friendly and I have a great sense of humor:) Skype Name (So you can speak with fellow companies and members of your own):Pking4197
I live in America...
IGN :Terran350 Age ( 11-12-13 or 14 ) : 15 Have you ever done any livestreams or youtube lets plays? :no... but i do have a youtube and a good recorder Can you host a server? ( I want someone to say Yes ) : sorry no... Skype name :pking4197 (its not peeking it stands for persian king)
Really what if your older?
Looking for 2 or 3 people to do a tekkit let's play with.
Terran350 replied to justingoth99's topic in Let's Play Pavillion
Age: 15 IGN: Terran350 timezone: Hawaii exp with tekkit: everything from IC2 to railcraft... exp with Com: did a vid once but please don't look at it my bro kept moving the cam... But now I have camstudio... -
Looking for 2 or 3 people to do a tekkit let's play with.
Terran350 replied to justingoth99's topic in Let's Play Pavillion
... Can i join this multiplayer tekkit? I really want to play with someone other than myself... I only play with others but i do not record or talk to them... so can i join?... -
Looking for people to make youtube videos
Terran350 replied to migueloto16's topic in Let's Play Pavillion
Name: IGN: Terran350 Real: Darius Age(12-16): 15 Tekkit experience: I can do everything... just need the equipment:) don't worry i'll find enough items on the first mine:) Skype or TeamSpeak(must have): I have both but i use skype... pking4197 IGN(to recognize): Terran350 Time Zone(mine is GMT): Hawaii Can you record:Yes up to 20 minutes of gameplay each episode -
Lets Play Tekkit | 3 More Players Needed.
Terran350 replied to SpecialJay's topic in Let's Play Pavillion
I'll join... IGN: Terran350 Your age:15 Have you commentated before:once... Tekkit Profession (Red Power or Buildcraft etc):Everything... from IC2 to railcraft... Skye name (So we can record voice):pking4197 I can do anything, be anything, and make anything... I'm also a great protector... And I promise not to grief...