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Everything posted by NalydRelwof

  1. Minecraft Username: NalydRelwof Age: 19 Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town)?: Sure, why not? I guess that'd be safer than running off into the wilds of an already active server. Have you played IC2 or BuildCraft? I have, but not in quite some time. What is the purpose of a macerator?: The macerator is a machine block, and must be disassembled with a wrench to return it to your inventory as a macerator block. The macerator takes ores and bars of metals, and grinds them into dust. Ores yield two dust, which can be smelted for 1 bar each. How did I find this server?: I found it via the Tekkit Gold thread, which highlights top servers. Other things you should know: I'm a college junior (almost senior), that means I have a lot of assignments and not a whole lot of downtime. That means I'm either on late during the week, or on over the weekend, if at all.
  2. How would one join this server? It's been a while since I have been on a Minecraft server (due to some driver issues I was having back when I was active on another Tekkit server that sadly no longer exists), and I've been looking for another one to join. The premise of this server sounds promising, and I look forward to playing on survival oriented server.
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