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Everything posted by goaheadmyman

  1. There is a reason you guys aren't allowed on the Minecraft Forums, isn't there? Because you can't produce this 'list' of 'permissions' you claim to have. Every other mod pack has to list them, what makes you above everyone else? Hmmm. 'We won't stoop to their level?' Really, that is your reaction to being asked for permissions proof? Do you guys even know what you are smoking, or do you just put it in your mouth and puff puff pass? Oh and this open source BS falls short of legal standards. By authors stating they have a copyright to their work, you have to abide by said copyright. Let's see, you claim they are breaking Mojangs copyright by creating mods. (BS right there, as Mojang has authorized it directly. But even if they didn't Curse has authorized it, by having a forum for mods/mod development since the beginning. That's business law 101, might want to look it up real quick. Let me break it down for you, when you have a company represent you like Curse running the forums, anything they do in the name of your company you are responsible for. Especially if you know about it, and don't correct it. Mojangs ToS for Minecraft state the following as well: Any tools you write for the game from scratch belongs to you.... Plugins for the game also belong to you and you can do whatever you want with them, as long as you don't sell them for money.) You claim, that it's open source? Oh, not really. If they are copyrighted works (Which in this case most default to anyway), you can and would be held liable in court for violating said copyrights. That is if any decide to take you to court, which in reality most won't. It's not worth the amount of money versus reward. Now, also with above, since Mojangs ToS for Minecraft state specifically that they belong to the creator... you are full of stuff. I use the old tried and true internet ethos... Pics or it didn't happen! If you can't produce said list, my bet is that you are lying about one or more permissions. I may be wrong, and if proven wrong, I will apologize. Because I am bigger then you guys, and can admit my mistakes. Others, can't. Yes, I know it will be deleted, and I will be flamed. So what. :)
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