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About Tartansilver5

  • Birthday 08/30/1993

Tartansilver5's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. if there is anyway u could help me with setting up a server i'm having a issue making it so my friend can join... i can get in but when he tries to get in it says it keeps timing out and i'm unsure what i need to do and what causes him to not be able to join

  2. is there any way at all that u could help me figure out how to setup a tekkit server, i've got the port set to 25566 i've got hamachi setup and i'm able to join. Reading up from other posts i'm completly unaware of what else to do i'm thinking it has something to do with him connecting to my ip then me needing to have it setup to send him to my hamachi ip but i can't figure out how to do that...

    1. lukeb28


      The forums are your friend. You don't need a mod to help you.

  3. ah ok thanks that is most helpfull and lol its fine
  4. .... um there isn't a yogbox bug section?
  5. ah ok i wasn't sure where i should post this the sections are kind of confusing on what should be posted where
  6. Launcher Version: Operating System: Windows 7 Java Version: jre7 Antivirus Program: Description of Problem: Ok so i am doing some gameplay on yogbox and there is the hotkey M that is supposed to bring up the quest log and other relation things and i've got it to show up but the M key won't always do that most of the time almost all the time and it suxs what id does bring up is.... The darkness beckons then it has 2 options-Commit to the Evil or Nevermind what is that supposed to be anywyas... Also i would like to know how u update your launcher and any of the other mod packs. Also i would like to know one other thing. I've watched Duncan play yogbox on youtube and that is what got me playing that one but his is deferent then mine the towers had diferent loot and he started with other items his was just diferent.. mine doesn't have the research item stuff and didn't come with a texture pack... is his thing something else or did it get degraded... if so sadness. If these things could be addressed it would help me a lot and i bet there are other people out there with these same quetions that this would help aslo plus how do u know what version of mod u are using and same with the launcher and i've launched each mod pack and they all load but if they are not the right version how do u update them manually or whatever u need to do to fix it. Please answer if u have the solution to my problems or even to one of them it would help me a lot. Error Messages: Error Log:
  7. Anything can happen if u just don't stop it

  8. this kind of sucks my mods aren't on for some reason.... lol i hate not knowing what to do
  9. oh yes it was plus i don't know to much about my comp thats for sure lol :-) and thank u so much for your help i wouldn't have been able to play tekkit without it
  10. hehehehe yes it made the fps ingame rocket up its peaked at 90 and stays inbetween 65 and 85
  11. oooo ok lets try that
  12. i don't have one at the moment new comp and all and i've turned firewall all the way off but i think i could just turn the sucky graphics card off and then turn comp back on do u think that will do the job??
  13. well then that might just work lets try that k so i'm not finding a thing to switch it by right clicking on the launcher but i might know why or maby cuz when i have been trying to download the luancher previously i have had a hard time cuz it kept getting blocked and not allowed to run because it was not a known file or whatever i've managed to slip it through but i don't think that it is the complete right thing
  14. k so yes i started a new map ran around it and it stayed up in the higher 20's and had a few peaks at 30,31 then it dropped really low went back up for a sec then dropped back down low agian
  15. let me try i mean all that map has on it is a wooden house
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