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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. Yeah, buddy, it's great that you got 64 bit java, but did you get java 6 or java 7?
  2. He was saying that through your hamachi tunnel he could bsod your machine by screwing with the win32 folder.
  3. I have an account there.It's kinda active because he personally responds to damn near every thread that ever gets made.
  4. Gee did you think maybe you should try the bug forum? you know,. the ones where bugs go?
  5. I disagree. Maybe it didn't work for WoW, due to the structure of their PVP system, but aion has a much more continuous PVP, with the different areas always being active. Aion has even had to stop allowing new Elyos characters on the Siel server, they outnumber the asmos so badly.
  6. So you're saying things aren't working properly, but it isn't a bug? Then what do you want?
  7. Then your friend needs to post a bug report so that we have some clue what you guys are doing wrong.
  8. It's still better than having servers that are completely dominated by one side or the other, to the point that the losing side actually gets smaller over time because less people want to pick that side.
  9. ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Well, it don't mean a thing if it aint got that [report format]♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
  10. It don't mean a thing if it aint got that [report format]
  11. Aion needs a buff like that. You have no idea how often i join a pvp instance and find 30 asmos setting up siege machines, and slaughtering the crap out of 5 or 6 elyos.
  12. so... you downgraded your java? You realize that's going to screw things up in your game, right?
  13. Not necessarily. If it sees the call coming from a different program, that could potentially set off red flags. I doubt that's your problem, just dispelling some misinformation. Have you tried completely clearing all of your technic stuff and redownloading?
  14. Let me give you a troubleshooting tip: Do not use phrases like "ive tried everything" "using the latest" or "it doesn't work" Tell us WHAT you have tried, give us your BUILD NUMBERS, and give us descriptions of the SYMPTOMS.
  15. Then you're double awful for either doing something incredibly wrong, or not actually posting what you've tried.
  16. I am flabberghasted. Your sarcasm detection is really bad. There is a sticky that details common problems, and gives solutions to them. It's titled common problems and solutions.
  17. Why do you guys do that? you KNOW it isn't helpful.
  18. Man, wouldn't it be great if there were a sticky that answered all these common problems and gave solutions for them?
  19. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that..... We COULD learn from our mistakes. but what fun is that?
  20. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that..... In our get togethers there are only two kinds of glasses: little square shot glasses, and gigantic chalices full of margarita. Nobody ever gets in trouble, but it's been years since we failed to break some kind of furniture.
  21. No report format = no dice. "things are not "win" or "fail"" ~ the rules. Cut that out.
  22. No report format = No dice.
  23. Jay?


    See you, space cowboy.
  24. Re: Is there a version of the technic launcher that..... It's been years since my family has had much beer. We get together and exhange hard liqour in inadvisable quantities.
  25. also, no report format = no dice.
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