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Megatarre Corps LLC...

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Everything posted by Megatarre Corps LLC...

  1. Got Essentials LWC and Noitem Added and working! TY
  2. server IP on Hamchi is Megatarre Corps LLC pass is 123654 or 123456 the minecraft ip is

  3. Right now I am adding plugins and testing, while I make a backup of the server before I make any major change i can not be sure any work you do on it wont be wiped intell the server is at a stable point. I hoping it will be stable in a week or so after I get the plugins I want and get them set up.
  4. Just logging in would help me test the server since so far I am the only one that has logged in.
  5. My server is brand new and I am looking for someone to help build a spawn point. I will have towny advanced, gods, nickname, trade, pex, world edit, modify world, and ess so far. The server is ran off of Hamachi if thats ok with you.
  6. I just want to make sure I am the only one with the permissions on worldedit and modifyworld. I am the only op on the server and wanted to make sure when someone joins the server they do not have any of the permissions. when someone joins the server there a member and can only modify the world IE build. Was just makeing sure that world edit by default did not give everyone who logs in those permissions. If so I was going to change that.
  7. Ok thanks alot I assume its the same for the other world edits that are out as well.
  8. Ok I have put world edit in my server and looking for a guide in setting it up. The wiki with it is not telling me what I want to know. I have set up permissions so that me the (OP) has all the permissions. how do I make it where I am the only one with the world edit permissons? Also need some one to log on my server So I can test the permissions..
  9. ok I wont delete anything then I did just manage to get myserlf added to each of the groups and then removed, got that working now I need the permissions to work. The default member can still break blocks at this time.
  10. Under the CMD I did all of this. I OP myself through there and I can spawn anything. I am just trying to test the group and rank system. Ok Fixed the "permission.* to "permissions.* I did this: Create the "Admins" group with pex group Admins create Add the permissions.* permission to this group with pex group Admins add permissions.*. Add yourself to this group with pex user YourPlayerName group set Admins, replacing YourPlayerName with your in game name. Give yourself permissions to access all PEX commands regardless of the group you are in with pex user YourPlayerName add permissions.* Note** this code is in my plugin folder under Permissionex but the code is not there when I open up the tekkit folder and see the permissoin folder. I get this when the CMD runs: permission file empty ignoring it!
  11. I getting a error when I try and promote and demote my self as a admin and op "permissionsex promoter don't have enough rank to change rank" Is this because I am a admin and a op already or what? I have went through and set up all my groups and there permissions and trying to test them now My permission set up: groups: default: default: true options: rank: '5' permissions: - modifyworld.chat Admins: permissions: - -modifyworld.mobtarget.* - modifyworld.* - permissions.* options: rank: '1' Member: options: rank: '4' permissions: - modifyworld.* VIP: options: rank: '3' permissions: - -modifyworld.mobtarget.monster.creeper - modifyworld.* Moderator: options: rank: '2' permissions: - -modifyworld.mobtarget.* - modifyworld.* users: brian9103: group: - Admins permissions: - permission.*
  12. I will take you up on that help if you dont mind

  13. Hello I am megatarre and I have set up a server with the following plugins: Gods, Towny advanced, Trade, PermissionEX, and Eco. Everything is in the defalut mode with nothing changed in the config files. Needing help setting up permissions for myself (OP) and permissions for players. My server is ran off of hamachi. If you would like help setting up this server so I can build a starter town and open it up to more players that would be great. Thanks in advance.
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