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Posts posted by MrFly

  1. I have adblock enabled everywhere except here - Because the ads are pretty unobtrusive, and I have no real reason to block 'em and Bay12 - Because it has no ads.

    I put "disable on this page only" on this exact page. Will this also unblock the whole technic forums?

  2. I grew up with the Star Wars: Rogue Squadron series of games. But the only childhood game I still play is the Halo series.

    I remember my dad got me that first game. It actually came with a computer he bought. They were really badass! I just remembered it now. I loved how you in some missions were in an x-wing and others your fighting with lightsabers or disguised as a storm trooper.

  3. I was thinking of a build I could do, I am relatively tall, so I should be able to pull it off. It would be a Slenderman costume. All I need to do is get a white morphsuit, (the kind that covers your whole body) and get a white shirt, black tie, and a suit. I have all those materials, except the morphsuit, and once I get the ms, I will hang around near the woods all Halloween night, watching people as they pass and seeing the look on their faces will be priceless.

    Eh get styrofoam tubes (pool noodle thingys) as the arms and get a mask and dress in black.

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