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Everything posted by static1234567

  1. yay! waiting!.... soooooo how bout them mets?.... but no seriously if its all waiting and stabilizing hopefully by next week we will be 1.6.X
  2. well it annoyes my too much to toss one mod only in so i just wait for the modpack
  3. thanks for that nice and detailed explaination and im glad that alot of the mods are stable just you know those few. i know server side things will be different and i know that itll be worth the wait but i dont want to wait! im just impatient though.
  4. well... dam i dont really keep up with this techincal stuff i just really want to know when or estimated time when we will be getting 1.6.X
  5. oh trust me... start stacking up redstone energy cell and then you have a waste
  6. yaaaaa but hey they work amazingly but sadly we will now run off redstone flux and have tons of liquid coal
  7. yo aluc you should have switched to bio the most OP system ever. but ya on the server i maintain i have one guy who is praying for the update since he reeeeeaaaaly wants solar panels.. and that magmatics and bio wont work next update since redstone flux will be the new power system. quarrys can run off it and all the machines run off it pretty much
  8. well ya, like 3 headed creepers? and fixes to the sealers? those would and will be amazing
  9. well there we go! everything good, now we need just need the update.
  10. well it needs to :P
  11. noooo! now im sad... we need it tonight since i really really want to use AE spacial pylons..
  12. wait its being launched tommorow?! i help maintain a tekkit server and were just on edge waiting for 1.6.2 because its exciting. so ya best of luck to all new players and veteran's alike on learning all the new things. XD
  13. um, again sorry for sounding noobish other than the big mods that change like TE,AE, and galacticraft what other mods get big overhauls?
  14. well thats good, i cant wait to make my redstone flux and fly to mars!
  15. hey, i dont post much or really at all on the forums but i was wondering when tekkit will be 1.6.2? since i think only TE needed updating and it just recently updated. so is there anything else holding it back?
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