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Everything posted by tanki123

  1. can anyone help in this? the server is lagging severly till the extent of unplayable
  2. i assume it is caused by an illegal termination of the server. Heres a fix to try 1. Go into your world file 2. delete/rename 3 folders/files start with -RedstoneEther -Railcraft.dat -EnderChest Rename or delete these files one by one to see if it fixes the problem. NOTE: by renaming or deleting the enderchest folder all items in enderchest will be gone peroid you will have to spawn it back for them.
  3. can you check ingame using the "mods" button in the menu screen if that mod has been loaded into the client ?
  4. Can you provide a better crash log ??
  5. check for redstone signals emmitting to the lv transformer as it will act like a splitter cable and deny all power flow through the transformer. I encountered this problem very often and have to use cover strips and red alloy wires to get redstone signal past them
  6. is is a private or public server ??
  7. that i would have no idea the only reason i can imagine is that something is blocking block changes done by the mod and normally its plugins
  8. The problem here is that redpower or other mod that do block changes uses a fake player to break and place blocks and the fake player name would be [RedPower] or [buildCraft]. Therefore these fakeplayers must have the permissions to modify the world or they would not be able to function correctly
  9. Title: Disconnect.overflow Version: 3.1.2 OS: Windows 7 Home Premium Java Version: Java 7 update 6 Description of Problem: We have a small server that is hosted by a friend. It is intended for 3-4 players only. For some unknowingly reason, the server starts to disconnect people due to buffer overflow. Facts/Debug checks: -No one is using a quarry and no buildcraft piping was achieved at that time as it is a pretty early server -Entity count checks out. -Reverting to an earlier backup seems to fix the problem -FML logs shows both logs from earlier backup and current server to be Identical -FACT: Hoster comp often crashes and we always reextract the mods and move the world across -Debug screen on client shows C:8/400 1st line unknown of its significance -Network lags to the extent of flipping a lever or breaking a block does not show the block breaking but items drop and machines update nearby (could be a desync bug) however it does update after quite some time. -Warping to another place using essentials warps causing us to fall infinitely as chunks does not load around us -A world anchor is in the nether but we removed to see little or no change in lag Would appreciate the help thanks. Error Messages: Error Log:
  10. You sure that your antivirus firewall arnt blcoking it ??? if it is that you are gonna get banned for not reading the stickies and read the stickies on the bug rreport format plz http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,2797.0.html
  11. i browsed around and seen that ppl said that EE2 1.39 fixes that problem. i want to ask is that if i can just chuck it in the mods and replace them and use the SAME client to connect or will the server boot me due to teh fact that i never patch the client also ??
  12. what other post?? i need a fix badly. no backups = the world is gone
  13. bump is there any fix at all ?? or is the world useless now ???
  14. Launcher/pack Version:2.1.1 (Server) Operating System:Windows XP Version of Java: Java 7 Description of Problem: Server crashes on startup Error Messages: N/A Link to pastebin of log: http://pastebin.com/yEE4bL3v
  15. Which part of the stickies especially ??? Nuking .techniclauncher and yurning off the advanced LWJGL does nt work
  16. Launcher stuck in white screen Nuking the folder and redownloading plus disabling Advanced LWJGL not working Error Log: http://pastebin.com/bWGq0qE6 Mod Edit: Fixed broken tables with pastebin link instead of code.
  17. Im using the jar version of the launcher and i have hit a snag. Im able to play tekkit till today where when i tried to update to the new release when they prompted me i got stuck in white screen I followed the instructions and i deleted .technicpack and turned off advanced LWJGL Then when i tried to update, it downloads smoothly until Downloading LWJGL natives and then it says Update Failed. I tried with both the Dev build and the Rec build. Im able to provide any information required but please help
  18. problem being the retarded rings is dammn destructive and i bet server OPs will not even allow it to be crafted..... whats left will be the philosopher's stone and all those non destructive crap and i bet those will crush the economy if there is one so i doubt it will be inside any server OP's mind to include this mod
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