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Everything posted by ZakDank

  1. 1.0.7 - Added Evans Repeater - Added Henry Repeater - Fixed issue with chunk lag - Started work on Gun overhaul; - Various new gun items added - Added an advanced box - Added Aquaculture mod **Note that some of these additions are going to be worked on at a later stage, such as crafting recipes.
  2. So recently our popular hexxit server, RetributionHexxit[1.0.5], was closed down. To clear some space on our dedicated machine, i am going to remove our old hexxit server files, so here is a couple configs which will help you out with your own server. Okay so first up, banned items. To ban our items we used tekkitcustomizer. TekkitCustomizer: ProtectSurfaceFromExplosives: true RemoveUUMatterToNonRenewableItemRecipes: true EnforcementWorlds: - world - world_the_end - world_nether - DIM7 - DIM-23 - DIM1 - DIM-1 Bans: OwnershipBanned: - 6109:*:Ender Bow:Crashes the server when fired. - 7614:*:Revolver:Bypasses PvP protections - 7618:*:Water Staff:Annoyance at spawn - 7622:*:Dark Staff:Bypasses PvP protections - 7611:6:Wind Grenade:Bypasses PvP protections - 5782:*:Dimensional Door:Allows unraidable bases - 5789:*:Dimensional Door:Allows unraidable bases - 5785:*:Rift Signature:Places rifts which tear up bases - 5786:*:Stabilized Rift Signature:Places rifts which tear up bases - 5783:*:Rift Blade:Bypasses Protections - 7632:*:HookShoot:Prevents players from moving - 7633:*:LongShoot:Prevents players from moving - 7634:*:ManualShoot:Prevents players from moving - 7642:*:SpiderShoot:Prevents players from moving - 6033:*:Titan Band:Prevents players from moving - 6410:*:Destruction Catalyst:Bypasses protections to grief - 7608:*:Bag:Dupe glitch - 7616:*:Empty Capsule:Bypasses protections PlacementBanned: [] WorldBanned: [] CraftingBanned: [] UsageBanned: [] GAListener, gives players random items as a reward for voting settings: onlineonly: false luckyvote: true broadcastqueue: true votecommand: true voteremind: true services: default: broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted @ {GREEN}{service} {GOLD}and received {GREEN}$100! + 5 Diamonds!{GOLD} use {LIGHT_PURPLE}/vote{GOLD} to get yours now!' playermessage: '{GREEN}Thanks for voting at {AQUA}{service}!' commands: - '/money give {username} 100' - '/give {username} 264 5' luckyvotes: '3': broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was lucky and received an {GREEN}extra $200! + 2 Diamonds' playermessage: '{GREEN}You were lucky and received an extra $200!' commands: - '/money give {username} 200' - '/give {username} 264 2' '5': broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was lucky and received a {GREEN}crafting backpack!' playermessage: '{GREEN}You were lucky and received a crafting backpack!' commands: - '/give {username} 5660:16 1' '5': broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was lucky and received {GREEN}3 Golden Apples!' playermessage: '{GREEN}You were lucky and received 3 golden apples!' commands: - '/give {username} 322:1 3' '5': broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was lucky and received a {GREEN}diamond sword!' playermessage: '{GREEN}You were lucky and received a diamond sword!' commands: - '/give {username} 276 1' '5': broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was lucky and received a {GREEN}fiery ingot!' playermessage: '{GREEN}You were lucky and received a fiery ingot!' commands: - '/give {username} 7524 1' '5': broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was lucky and received {GREEN}20 iron!' playermessage: '{GREEN}You were lucky and received a crafting backpack!' commands: - '/give {username} 5660:16 1' '5': broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was lucky and received a {GREEN}5 instant HP potions!' playermessage: '{GREEN}You were lucky and received 5 HP potions!' commands: - '/give {username} 373:8229 5' '7': broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was lucky and received a {GREEN}HookShot!' playermessage: '{GREEN}You were lucky and received a HookShot!' commands: - '/give {username} 6017 1' '15': broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was lucky and received a {GREEN}Meteor Sword!' playermessage: '{GREEN}You were lucky and received a meteor sword!' commands: - '/give {username} 6086 1' votemessage: - '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------' - 'Vote daily to earn money and have a chance to win bonus goodies!' - '{GOLD}-----------------------------------------------------' First join plus, shows when a new player joins and makes a sound. settings: first-join-message: '&6Please welcome &b%player-name &6who has joined the game for the first time &a(%unique-players total players have joined)!' teleport-delay: 0 notify-sound: LEVEL_UP update-checking: true debug: false on-first-join: show-first-join-message: true teleport: true show-smoke: true play-notify-sound: true launch-firework: false give-xp: 5 set-invincible: 0 give-items: enabled: true items: - 5861 - 5862 - 5863 - 5864 - 5657 - 256 - 257 - 258 give-written-books: enabled: false book-files: - rules.txt send-motd: enabled: false delay: 20 messages: - '&2Welcome to the server, %player-name!' run-commands: enabled: false commands-to-run: - me just joined for the first time! run-console-commands: enabled: true commands-to-run: - give %player-name 6408 30 apply-potion-effects: enabled: false effects: - SPEED:1:15 other-messages: join-message: enabled: false message: '&e%player-name joined the game.' quit-message: enabled: false message: '&e%player-name left the game.' kick-message: enabled: false message: '%none' spawn: x: 1045 y: 80 z: -2136 pitch: 28.199987 yaw: 86.67859 world: world And a list of plugins which we used; Chatmanager Clearlagg Commandbook Enjin plugin Factions GAListener Iconomy LWback Mcore Modifyworld Openinv PEX tekkit customizer teleportsuite vanishnopacket vault votifier worldguard worldedit Hopefully someone will find these useful.
  3. 1.0.6 - Postponed some new guns / features - New black jeans - Cowboy pants now renamed to blue jeans - Optifine added + optimal settings - A few other settings added - Remade the '1887 shells' texture to reflect ammo capacity.
  4. Sorry for the recent downtime, the server has now got an anti-crash system in place along with an auto restart every 4 hours!
  5. Updated to 1.0.5 - Added tinkers construct - Added tinkers construct recovery addon - Added 3 new shotguns
  6. Site: www.retributiongaming.net Modpack (paste this link into technic): http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/wild-west-frontier Modpack Link: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/wild-west-frontier.185231 Are you ready to explore the American wild west in a exciting action packed modpack? Well if you are climb aboard retribution gamings wild west frontier modpack as we take minecraft to a whole new level of awesome. You will experience gameplay you will never have seen as you colonize the untamed lands of america. To get playing all you have to do is download the technic launcher: [link] press 'add new modpack' and put in the link below. Server is already added so you can get on your way to becoming a legend of the wild west. Code: http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/wild-west-frontier rules: - No griefing pointlessly (destroying nature for no reason, dirt swastika etc) - Dont swear excessivly - Dont spam - Respect staff - DO NOT EXPLOIT ANY BUGS - Have fun Hope to see you on there soon!
  7. Map is getting reset, make sure to put anything you want to keep into your inventory or enderchest.
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