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About blahaha123

  • Birthday 08/17/1999

blahaha123's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. are there any blacklisted items.
  2. In-Game Name: blahaha123 Age: 13 Experience with Tekkit: about 5 months Did you read the rules?: Yes I really need a good server i cant find one thats good and this looks like a really good one.
  3. If you want a reliable tekkit server to play on, you should join mine.

    IP: play.ragemc.com:30001

  4. can somebodey plz tell me why i got banned on the server because i dont know and i love this server.
  5. can i get back on the server plz i dont know what i did to get banned.
  6. kimbo i got banned and i dont know what for can you tell me or get me unbanned
  7. hey i got banned yesterday why did i get banned can you let me back on the server plz.
  8. i cant get on the server the ip isnt working for me
  9. ok because i was just on and i crashed so is the server down or is it just me.
  10. do you need admins becuse if you do i would like to be one.
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