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Posts posted by Vex

  1. Oh hai there Vex.

    teleporter should also be stopped by 2-thick force fields. Gravel is solved by building your base up at sky limit. Which I routinely do anyway, since it allows me to use solar panels without people being able to place blocks to interrupt the path of sunlight and cut off my power.

    Mmm, Don't think that would stop the gravel trick- you could still build under it, no? But seeing as you need a 3-block tall airspace, you could probably solve that by putting a single layer, than a two-block-wide gap, then the two block thick forcefield.

    And that still wouldn't stop someone from using a deployer to place the blocks. Sigh.

    See you next post gav!

  2. Well, couple things to check here. Does the motion dive work on it's own? Try disconnecting it from the rest of the ship. If it works, it's not your drive, it's one of two things:

    One: frame motors cannot move more than 1000 blocks. This includes wires, pipes ect.

    Two: you have a solid block somewhere causing it to get caught.

    Also, a bit more info would be nice as well.

  3. To all you guys thinking about making mining rigs and that- don't use block breakers that go back and fourth to do it- shure, it might seem like a good idea, but it requires an extra bit of effort and it's fairly slow.

    Instead, hook up a forcefield a block cutter upgrade, have it pulse on and off when you move, and use that as your "drill head" and use some transposers to slurp up the items.

    It's surprisingly effective actually.

  4. A copy and paste of my reply on another thread about killing quantums-

    As a note on killing a FULL quantum, my testing showed that about 160,000 EU/T for about 3 seconds can drain and kill a quantum, so you would need about 480,000 EU/T to kill almost instantly, or about 240 HV transformers.
  5. That is exactly what I just suggested, except with additional unnecessarily complicating steps added in. Unnecessary because there's no reason to worry about pinching pennies when the OP already has automatic ingredient factories?

    It's just a nice touch, keeps things a little bit neater, and even though he does have auto-factories, it appears he's not using EE(just a guess, seeing as there's a cobble gen) so every item counts.

    Also, weed-ex lowers the gained stats a fairly decent amount, I believe it's impossible to get maxed-out plants with the stuff.

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