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Everything posted by Bramble

  1. IGN:BrambleclawO_O Experience with servers:I pretty much only play SMP Experience with tekkit:A moderate amount, I started playing last month Experience with towny:Average amount, I've been on a few server with it Passionate rant as to why you should accept me:I would like to play on a whitelisted tekkit server with a friendly community without every 3rd day someone setting my house on fire What is the flight velocity of an unladen swallow?:That depends on the weight, species and wing-span of that swallow and without them I cannot calculate the flight velocity If you see a person getting high-fived to the face, and this is the second time this week, what do you do?:If the person high-fiving is the same one that did it the first time I will Temp-Ban the person high-fiving for 24 Hours. If its a different person I will kick and warn them If you look me up, I have been banned twice http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/user/b14bed6cf7b77b5cf42f5a0ae127dbf187a6a937/BrambleclawO_O But I don't even know what chest steal hacks are and never heard of them and in the other ban I accidentally shot out part of someones house with a mining laser but repaired it but they still seem to have in the logs of me destroying someones blocks so they banned me for griefing
  2. Name -Rob IGN -BrambleclawO_O(yes I know its a stupid IGN ) Age -13 Minecraft experience -Since 1.0.0 came out Tekkit experience -Ive been playing tekkit for 2 week Time playing MC per day -Depends, 1-5 hours Why do you want to join the server -I want to play on a small tekkit server where you dont need to join a faction or get griefed constantly.
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