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About iamnotinsane

  • Birthday 03/02/1990

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Grass (2/9)



  1. I don't really know what others think, but mining gets boring, if your on your own just digging for ages I'd get bored, once you have the initial gear to make a condenser and have materials to condense you have mined to the extent that it's not going to be fun any more, the sooner you can get onto making advanced machines the more fun tekkit gets and the condenser cuts out the "meh" phase, so it keeps people playing knowing that 70% of their time will be spent it a cave.
  2. Hi, I'm looking to start my own server, but my PC recently gave up and I have come to the conclusion that it would be cheaper to buy a new PC rather than maintain mine in the long run, I didn't expect the server to move so fast and thought I would have until the new year to upgrade, however the server should be ready to Alpha test in under a few days and move into Beta, in a few weeks or so (providing no major issues arise.) So in summary I have a ready server and no way to host, I don't want to buy a host and find the server is unsucessful and have wasted money, so I'm looking for a server host preferably GMT and active 5-6 most days (server up times) also the server needs to be able to run with 10-15 people on, so the hardware doesn't have to be that great. Ifyou could leave how many people and timezones and stuff below that would be great, also the host can have a reserved slot and mod, I have the file and everything all you need to do is portfoward and put the ip in the properties file. Here is the link to the servers thread I'll add you to the conversation as well http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/looking-for-staff-for-a-yet-to-open-server.32251/
  3. OK thanks for applying, but right now we have been bottle necked, I have a map builder and a guy good with plugins, but when the server goes up we will need mods/admins and before that we'll need alpha testers so I'll add you to the conversation and if anything comes up I'll ask you
  4. I'm sorry and when you say yep, odes that mean your IGN is jonjon1234?
  5. I can give you the ip, but nothing for the forum, I've done it yet, and your IGN the same as your forum name, I'll need to whitelist you
  6. OK thank you that would be a great help and I'm running 3.1.3
  7. I'm starting a small-mid scale server, and I need help as my friends are as close to useless with this as they can get. Basically I want to open an event server open for a set amount of time a day at the same time each day, if this sort of Alpha-Beta phase is sucessful I'll look into a 24/7 server host and a larger player capacity etc. I only need a few people to help, I need a map builder and guinea pigs, I'll be more specific via skype, if you apply. I can handle anything else, like plugins and hosting and if all goes well an enjin forum. Just give a brief paragraph about if you can help when you can and how you can, and your skype if you have it, if not don't worry I'll just use the msg on here, I don't have a working mic atm anyway. EDIT: atm we don't need any more devs or helpers, but still apply as soon we will need Alpha testers and more devs.
  8. Juicy a griefer? great just great 1 of 3 ppl that know where the new base is :(
  9. Okay, thank you, it is a shame that I wasn't accepted, but I appreciate the effort you went to in order to reply, so thank you.
  10. Yo dude, if you wanna pop over to my server sometime feel free, we might not be quite to the standard of wookies but we give it our best shot and you can check it out without requiring an application, hell you can even build and use vanilla blocks before sign up to establish a home while you wait :-D

  11. of course i read it thats why i posed the question had i not read i nva would have posed the question as I wudnt know u had intentions to wreck stuff, would have thought that wud be obvious
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