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Everything posted by ShivalWolf

  1. That's the standard info logging, The only real way to get rid of that is to use the latest pr2 build and set the log level above info. I haven't tested it myself but dropping the latest version into the server and client mods folders (removing the old pr1 version) should allow you to use the loglevel setting. you may be able to get away with just the server side files given that the documented changes seem to only have really affected server side.
  2. Are you querying the buildcraft sensor? It seems that the ccSensor for Buildcraft looks for tags that only exist in BC3 not BC2. I got sick of the spam so I modified the class file SensorModule_BC.class and well broke it more to stop it from spamming the log. Eg. when querying it runs this. if ("totalBurnTimeBROKEN".equalsIgnoreCase(f1)) { Field fld = getTargetField("buildcraft.api.BuildCraftAPI", "ironEngineFuel"); The "buildcraft.api.BuildCraftAPI" seems to only be buildcraft3. so i changed the if match string "totalBurnTime" to totalBurnTimeBROKEN" so that would never match so it stopped trying to read the non-existent module. jd-gui http://java.decompiler.free.fr/ = class decompiler allows you to view source of compiled class files. Java Class File Editor http://sourceforge.net/projects/classeditor/ = a Java class editor. allows you to modify variables without decompiling and recompiling.
  3. http://www.elevationcraft.com/printthread.php?tid=268 Its a temporary fix for the sensor rename issue until the latest version of ccSensors gets put into tekkit. I run it on my server and it does work.
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