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About oritkan

  • Birthday 11/07/1988

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. thats a lie your friends griefed me dick
  2. Don't play on this server if you don't whant to be greifeed over something you didn't do or for something small that you may have done cause you will jsut loss your stuff and will never be able to get it back
  3. hey emolg realy need to talk to you man message me on skype plz killindrak
  4. I wont be online for a long time srry
  5. hey emolg id like to be a moderator my time zone is utc eastern time usa/canada
  6. hey let me know when its back up plz
  7. i realy love this server man thanks for geting it back up. i hope it will be back on soon good sir
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