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Everything posted by BoureyS85

  1. Possibly. You didn't by chance use the tab key when spacing your config did you? Thats a no no with yaml config files. Best editor for these type of things is Notepad++ http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ Glad to have helped you. :)
  2. Heres my config. hope it helps. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/18666082/config.yml
  3. usually only resets if you botched something. hmm. one min.
  4. after u restart the server. if u deleted that message then it should be gone. After u put the code in it will open the option in your minimap settings.
  5. As JGreen Said, check Reis thread. But I've one better. Get the plugin called CommandBook. Made by the same people who made WorldEdit and WorldGuard. Once u have that, the settings u need to change are listed on reis thread. Here's the links. http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/commandbook/files/6-command-book-2-1/ http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/482147-132125-aug17-reis-minimap-v32-05/ ---------------Better yet....heres the info you seek...----------- `0`0: prefix `y`w: suffix `B: cave mapping `G: entities radar (player) `C: entities radar (animal) `R: entities radar (mob) `P: entities radar (slime) `Y: entities radar (squid) `2: entities radar (other living) examples. All enable. `0`0`B`G`C`R`P`Y`2`y`w Cavemap enable. `0`0`B`y`w Cavemap and EntitiesRadar(player,animal,slime) enable. `0`0`B`G`C`P`y`w Get CommandBook Plugin. After if generates the files. go into \CommandBook\config.yml ----FIND THIS SECTION---- stored-messages: motd: |- Hello, `Y%name%`w. The time now is `Y%time%`w and you're in world '%world%'. [iNSERT HERE - NO BRACKETS] -----INSERT THE OPTIONS U WANT, All, Caves, or Caves and radar.---- And heres a link to all the cool CommandBook Commands. http://wiki.sk89q.com/wiki/CommandBook/Commands like stopping time... /time <-l> <world> <time> -L <---locks time where u set. *Hope this helps you. And everyone who needs this info.
  6. This is amazing. This helped me so much. Now if I could just figure out WorldGuard Ill be peachy xD Diamond for you. :D
  7. the program is probably blocked by the Norton firewall. Either allow the program manually, or change the auto controls to ask when programs connect. Its not a port issue because you wouldn't be able to connect to other servers. but u said you cant login so its a launcher being blocked issue. edit: u just using Norton antivirus, or are u using Norton security suite or similar? whats ur firewall....
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