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About Rick

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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  1. Name: Rick_Waite Age: 189.6 Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): No Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? Whats a tekkit? what is the purpose of a macerator? to macerate Recommendations(if you been invited): god Others things i should know: I'm a sandwich
  2. I don't have a button...
  3. My keyboard doesn't have buttons?
  4. Type in localhost if your hosting it from your computer, type in the hosting computer's internal ip address for other computers within your local network.
  5. i cann hepl but feal sroy for you, anythign u cop paste dont work. i can garuntee there's another thread on this topic, use the magical search bar
  6. I think he'll come back and be One Bad ASS Cat and curse and be all "Not soryr for the swearing"
  7. 1. Red Dead Redemption 2. Sims 3 (all expansions) 3. LoZ: Majora's Mask
  8. Rick


    I 100% agree with what everyone has said so far, i watch the show, but never would i rub it in peoples faces, if people ask me why i watch it, i'll try to explain it to them. the people you're (jakj) talking about are annoying, but i do understand why. for a lot of them, its their first fandom and they're very excited and want to express their excitement, sometimes in stupid ways. But i like to think that for every over-intense "annoying" brony, there's 4 more mature bronys you dont see. everyone has to take a step back and see MLP for what it is, a cartoon. A pretty wicked cartoon with awesome fan base content but still a cartoon. So those people that hate on bronies, and those bronies that are immature, stop being bags of dicks and see it for what it is!
  9. Rick


    I just wanted to know what people's thoughts are about the show, and whether or not theres other fans in the technic community. Your right though, this is bound to turn sour, and thats not what i want at all.
  10. Rick


    people like me? care to elaborate?
  11. Thoughts?
  12. I didn't necessarily mean for you to use that one, it's out of date and not being developed for. But i'm sure with a bit of searching you could find a better similar one. i used to use the one i linked a long time ago, even then it was buggy and required lots of disconnecting and reconnecting to get somewhat working. I don't lan anymore but I'm sure there's better one's. good luck. :D
  13. I had the same problem, try deleting the jar launcher (along with the techniclauncher folder) and re-downloading it (and don't rename the jar launcher) Let me know if this works. I've been trying to fix this same problem for weeks and this worked for me. :D
  14. I had the same problem... minus the gf part Just use a name changing plugin like this one http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/admn-fix-authplayer-v1-0-1-offline-mode-usernames-and-authentication-953.25214/ Glad i could help.
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