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About V1nsan1ty0

  • Birthday 10/29/1998

V1nsan1ty0's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. The server is currently whitelisted for some reason.
  2. Hey Jonny, the Factions plugin is set so that you can only claim land adjacent to a chunk you already own. This sucks because it means that even if you kill people in another faction and make them lose enough land to start claiming, you have to create a temporary new faction or disband your old one to steal their land. It also seems to be impossible to reduce someone's power below 0, which I also think is a bad idea. In my faction, we have 9 land. If just one of us was offline and at 10 power, it would be literally impossible to take our land no matter how many times we got killed. In some other servers in the past, there has been an f chat option. I'm not sure if that is still a thing, but it would be really awesome if that got added as well.
  3. Alright, let's name it the battle of Shit Toilet Bowl.
  4. Seeing as one block is a meter, and most oceans aren't even 3000 blocks across (which would be about 9000 feet, or two miles) these "oceans" are really not even as big as some rivers. Calling it a bay instead of a toilet bowl is generous.
  5. Let's call it the Battle of Isaiah's Shitty Wooden Platform. Or the Liberation of the USSROC. Or the Massacre of Shit Bay.
  6. I think he's referring to how he invited Isaiah into our faction. Isaiah then betrayed us and left with most of our stuff, and a massive battle ensued near their new base.
  7. I'm having a lot of fun with the new modpack, just because it's so...fresh. No old and bland mods like IC2 or Buildcraft, and lots of cool new ones that I hadn't even heard of, like Witchery. My least favorite is probably Hack Slash Mine. Trying to play WoW in Minecraft just seems...weird. I greatly enjoy playing on hardcore PVP maps, which is why I love Flan's Mod and ICBM. For the same reason, I detest mods like IC2 for the quantum suits, MFFS for the ability to make inpenetrable forcefields, and Galacticraft for the ability to make a stupid spacestation that nobody else can even get to. I know it isn't technically a mod, but Factions sucks too. Without using exploits or treachery, it is literally impossible to get into a decently built base and raid it. I'm all for mods that add traps and things to help fortify your base, but at the end of the day I think that you should be able to take over any base given that you have enough people and are well equipped.
  8. I'd also like to join! Could you PM me the server info? My minecraft and skype usernames are the same as this one, but I just got a new computer and don't have a mic. If I absolutely had to, I guess I could use my old computer to talk to you guys (it has a built in mic) but I'd rather just talk on the server. I'm 14, by the way.
  9. Hey, I joined yesterday and really like this server, but every time I've tried to log on this morning I get instantly disconnected and a message saying 'internal server error' appears. What's going on?
  10. Meh. Thanks for letting me know, but I don't think I'll join if it's just vanilla. And thanks MiningPro, I'll go check out your server.
  11. Yeah, that's what I thought too, but I went on the server's website and didn't see anything about a new IP. I don't know what's going on.
  12. I tried to go on earlier today but couldn't connect. It said something along the lines of "Error: Cannot resolve hostname". I tried changing the IP from teamtekkit.com to TeamTekkit.com like this thread says, but it made no difference. Was the IP changed or something?
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