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Everything posted by Maximuscr31

  1. Your player has been deleted. Try logging in again but if you need help/support you really need to post it up on acaldra.net as we just check this site for whitelist apps once to twice a day.
  2. Cam_mando_28 I am showing the reason was for griefing and they have lb proof. That doesn't stipulate any type of personal vendetta. Is that the whole truth? ProRegression Thank you for being honest. You have been added and enjoy your stay.
  3. There is only one version of minecraft. You have to setup a In game name. When you login to a server it is the name that shows in the chat. Without one you can't play online or even have a legitimate copy of minecraft
  4. Thank you for applying and enjoy your stay. Anything we can do to help you out just let us know!
  5. We can not run a check or add a person that does not have a in game name. Once you aquire one from buying minecraft please reapply. Everyone else should have been added. If not please let me, acaldra, gregatar, or beaver01 know and we will take care of it.
  6. I am showing 4 bans for griefing. I do appreciate your honesty but unfortunately it is too many for us to take a chance on. Thank you for your time.
  7. I am showing 6 bans for you but only one is legitimate. You are saying it was for testing stuff and the ban is saying for massive grief on other peoples builds. Can you elaborate?
  8. You sir a liar. You will not be accepted to play on our server and thank you for wasting our time.
  9. I am showing 5 bans for you but 3 that matter. Two for spamming and one for griefing. We won't be able to accept you at this time MCBans Array ( [bancount] => 5 [banlist] => Array ( [0] => bID# 1748244 .:. griefing; logblock proof. [1] => bID# 2984878 mc.eirinncraft.org .:. check the forums [2] => bID# 1994546 mc.bestofmc.com:25565 .:. low rep to many bans. [3] => bID# 1726877 .:. spam [4] => bID# 1723148 .:. spam bot ) [score] => 7 [status] => 2
  10. We have had to impose limits on items as we go because people aren't responsible and reasonable. There have been people who have used 50 mk3 flower powers and lagged out the entire server. No one needs that many condensers ever. If you do you need to be playing on a creative server, not on survival. If you need more than 5 condensors then you contact a member of the staff and as long as it is reasonable and used correctly there is no problem with it. Making a post such as you did instead of talking to us is not the correct way to handle things and not the type of person/attitude we want on the server. We want people who will act like adults and have open communication, not get mad and run off like a angry child. Good luck on finding your new server home though. You have been removed from our whitelists.
  11. You both have been added. Enjoy your stay and thank you hordskitare for your donation.
  12. You have been added Cortanis. Enjoy your stay and I hope you have found your permanent home.
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