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Posts posted by nedned2k

  1. It's not the amount of eu/t that matters, but the size of each packet. You have HV Solar Panels there, that each produce, individually, one 512-eu-packet of energy every tick. What eanon01 was trying to tell you was that if you had one single generator (for example nuclear reactors) that was producing a packet over 2048 eus every tick, even 4xins HV cable will melt.

  2. Eh, good point, and sorry if I came across as mean. But as far as avoiding the Nether as much as possible, I'd say just grab a few glowstone and condense it. :P

    As a side note, nobody's noticed that PlayerX2000 was totally necroposting....

  3. This looks like it could be a ton of amazingness. I would like to join, but first I would like to clarify a few questions I have.

    If Possible, may I found my own company? I usually work better and faster alone at first.

    Also, I'll probably not be on much except on the weekends, is that ok?

    Lastly, what are your views on Livestreaming? If you let me livestream the server, what things should I make sure to do?

  4. Take out a few Uranium cells until It's only generating 2048eu/t



    But seriously, You don't need that much power unless you are trying to, ... let's make some calculations.

    Assuming the usual twenty ticks per second, 2048eu/t means you can make one UU-matter without scrap in 24.5 seconds (using proper transforming, of course) and in 4 seconds using 34 scrap. Charging up an MFSU to full (ten million eu) will take a little over four minutes. Also, charging a teleporter to teleport you, say, a thousand blocks with no items, will take two minutes, and a little over ten minutes with a full inventory of complete stacks and armor.

    2400eu/t would allow UU-matter creation in 21 seconds (3.5 seconds with 34 scrap), charge an MFSU in 3.5 minutes, and charge a teleporter to teleport 1000 blocks with no items in A little over 1.5 minutes (8.5 minutes with a full inventory of stacks and armor)

    So unless you care about such small amounts of time, it would be easier to simply lower the output. Also, how are you possibly running a nuclear reactor outputting 2400eu/t without exploding in a matter of seconds?

  5. ...' date=' and if you want to get things out of the nether, use two ender chests and buildcraft.[/quote']

    Because It's totally easier to make ender chests to get a few glowstone.

  6. I don't even know how to respond to this....

    But ok, since you are new to the forums, I'll be nice.

    1. Don't ask for ETA's. Ever. It will be updated when it will be updated, no sooner.

    2. You have a problem with tekkit and so you decide to post in Off-Topic? There's a Tekkit Bug Section.

    3. Punctuation. Use it.

    4. You provided no Information as to why your computer won't run 1.2.5 or even any general information about your computer.

    5. I fail to see how anyone would be able to run 1.3 but not 1.2.5.

    6. No amount of youtube "fame" will make us want to help you more.

  7. More information would be nice, but I can infer that you're trying to power a pump/quarry/other thing that uses a lot of energy, so it's not working. In this case try having a ton of redstone engines connected, or try a steam engine.

  8. I've got a server running' date=' but I don't know how to make myself admin. Could someone in this thread help?[/quote']

    What does this have to do with anything in this thread?


    I fail to see the point of this post. I said that the computer specs should be able to run a server fine.

    Anyway, hopefully, ninja85a will post with some more information, otherwise this thread will probably die.

  9. If you actually tried everything, then you should have a working tekkit server. I'm not going to list out step by step what you need to do because, as you say, you know exactly what needs to be done.

    At least you gave us computer specs, which is a start. You should be able to run a server on that computer, so don't worry about that.

    Now, say what you've already tried, and maybe you'll get a nicer response than this one.

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