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About Nesico

  • Birthday 07/10/1992

Nesico's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Baradin 21 East Coast United States Mostly caverns into grand structures Redstone (and speak fondly about how difficult things were back in my day...) I'm looking for a community server that is reliable Yes though I tend to be on mumble more.
  2. Whitelist application: *Who are you? Ingame name is Baradin *Where are you from? East Coast United States *How old are you? 21 *Why do you want to play on our server? Aldante and Myself have been searching for a server with a solid community with decent people *What do you think you can offer our server? A competent player and old fogey who can assist in building machines or wax poetically on about back in his day. I'm fairly active and enjoy playing with other players. *Who was your favorite power ranger? The blue ranger.
  3. Yeah had thought about that as well but the only cables are up on the ground floor and that was the safest area. Plus theyre all fairly insulated (I'm fairly paranoid about possible sources of pain)
  4. And I had assumed tesla coil but with no one nearby and nothing found at the scene, I just assume wacky hijinks ensued.
  5. A little more information (as i was one of said people being killed). While yes there may be issues of cooling them the pump was green, but yes that could have been a bug. It was my understanding however that it would explode, whereas this was a continuous pulse of damaging... something or other for the entirety of the 25-35 minutes. Any items thrown into the area would be destroyed when contacting the area as well. There were only 3 players on at the time and the other was far away from us the entire time so I had doubted that could be it. If combustion engines can do that for 30 minutes (in what seemed to be a sphere of sorts with a diameter of 9 blocks), then I shall hang my head in shame at my lack of understanding. I would appreciate any insight into the matter however.
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