[Whitelist Application]
Minecraft Name: Johnywxz
Do you have any bans on record? i was twice
If so, Why? first time for taking a stack of cookies from the old destroyed/griefed spawn cause co-co beans are impossible to get the next time cause ENDER CHESTS are bugged if someone places 1 it locks it but other people make 1 to and took things from them so the owner messed up and made if u open his or your ENDERCHEST it auto-bans you for stealing 12 people got banned but we got unbanned
what could you do to the COMMUNITY: i am really good a joking and i can make people leave join make friends help get friends and mostly me responsible for me actions and others i am a great builder.
Why you would like to join the community here at SilliTekkit: i am looking for new servers and awesome servers and this is perfect nothing is banned the world is yours and no PvP its PvE great maybe we and me friend HUNTERHOLD maybe make a TEKKIT series,
How long will you be able to play on SilliTekkit?: i will play at least 5H every day cause thats how much time it takes me to do build/do something amazing
i hope this is enough for you to know i hope to accept this if not i understand ;( but if u accept i will be =-D