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Irresponsible Jack

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Everything posted by Irresponsible Jack

  1. Alright Silli, some thing i need to tell. 1. Some bugs in the server ATM. I really want to know when you're coming back. 2. You need to tell on the forum of the server where i can place ban requests and a Mod Application area. 3. Alright this is a ban request: IGN: G3T_CrAzy Reason: Even if we're friends, he greifed XTR123 acoording to XTR himself and he seems to be using an exploit to get TNT and bomb our bases. (if you see them as a wreckage in the INSIDE, that is us because of a story which will be in a spoiler). 4. :
  2. [WHITELIST APPLICATION] Minecraft name: vanilladeer Why would you like to join the community here at Sillitekkit: Looking for another server because of the crappy server i used to stay on. not allowing infinite geothermal systems which had a frigging small amount of EMC buildup. (It wasn't designed that way). Any bans on record?: 2. One is a tempban that lasts 14 f**king days so i went looking for a new one. If so, why?: No.1, back in classic when i was disassembling a pyramid of my own a little girl who is a moderator saw me and banned me. Trust me, i am NOT this kind of a frigging person. No.2, I was tempbanned because me and my friend DelayedD(Yep, we know each other IRL.)made a simple geothermal setup which made us infinite power. not OP since it was only outputting 20 EU/t, and it was just fairly simple. not designed for making power and diamond/etc. so anyway, it was just a machine that took cows milk, made it into lava and sent it to the geos and then back to the deployers that gets the milk. And the reason also that i wanted to join this server is that they totally just f**ked up our awesome 9x9s, and they left off with some of the tubes and parts and killed the cows which were real hard to get. How long will you be able to stay on StilliTekkit?: Judging that i come form the timezone of UDT +8:00, and i normally get home on 7:30 on weekdays, about 1 and a half hours on weekdays and weekends, just as long until i just feel like crashing on the floor.
  3. Hey aca can you reset the nether because it's out of frigging glowstone. My friend's been complaining. Just a heads up so if you don't want (or if lots of peeps don't want to) it's fine.
  4. IGN: vanilladeer Age: 11(turning 12 in 5 days ) Reason for joining: Sounds fun! and i'm really bored. Most servers are PvP and i hate PvP. Have i read the rules: Of course i did. Tekkit Experience: a year maybe. i know how all the mods work (except for the new ones) and i can run a stable causic reactor. Learning Lua. Note: DelayedD is my partner. and do you have teamspeak or something? thanks :)
  5. IGN:vanilladeer AGE:11(turning 12 in 4 days ) HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?:Once. Minecraft classic. Tearing down one of my old pyramids and a mod saw me and thought i was greifing. i really wanted revenge against that woman. WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT?: What? it's one of the greatest modpacks i've ever used! built perfectly. great experiences. WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY? A lending hand, a kind person who does not go PvP. (Note: DelayedD is my partner, Taught him mods, gave him his premium account.Need him to stop doing something then alright, we're both on skype anyway.) (Another note:For any people who like to make me mad, you're lucky this isn't a PvP server.. I only go PvP when needed.)
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