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Everything posted by dmmcintyre3

  1. http://img.d3vm.net/dmmcintyre3-tekkitlite-world.zip Be sure to read the Readme.txt after downloading. Features: RedPower frame Tunnel Bore with 190 block breakers Excessive amounts of all ores UU matter and tunnel bore powered HV solar array/windmill factory 333,333+ EU/t sunny+daytime EU generaton 2000+ EU/t nighttime and/or bad weather EU generation 100% automatic XP and minium farm (Just turn it on and AFK by it). Cooked chicken and fish factories Minium stone factory Various factories for random crap that were used only 1-2 times. The XP farm and tunnel bore are accessed by the small passageway by the mystcraft bookstands in the basement. The tunnel bore has moved over 50,000 blocks from the location where it was built.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYSh0W4L_A0&feature=relmfu Fix by adding the automatic crafting table mk2 to the block breaker blacklist in redpower/redpower.cfg
  3. Install Tekkitrestrict, then use /tpic to find item spills
  4. How can I remove wireless redstone without resetting the world? If I simply remove the .zips from the mods folder the server crashes when I go into an area with wireless redstone stuff.
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