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Everything posted by BasarasV

  1. lol sorry PWN havent looked into this forum in like forever find us at http://harshworldtekkit.enjin.com/ I check that one often.
  2. Yeah i will try to find a fix for the obsidian tools and then i will test going back to the recommended build...the newer one crashes everytime i hit disconnect and its pissing me off lol
  3. FYI Started a Voltz server same ip but with a different port

    Its a small server that will not be public, just for the few i trust in harsh server.

  4. FYI Started a Voltz server same ip but with a different port

    Its a small server that will not be public, just for the few i trust in harsh server.

  5. FYI Started a Voltz server same ip but with a different port

    Its a small server that will not be public, just for the few i trust in harsh server.

  6. are permissions done setting up? cant use a furnace in claimed land...cant set home....and lots more "can't" do stuff :(
  7. bruth28 and chico1216 u guys crash the server when u log in so your base must had corrupted as well, did a server restore to last back up to see if that fixed the issue
  8. argg had to roll back the server days sadly to tuesday's back up but /warp north no longer crashes the server.
  9. something is crashing the server when anyone does a /warp North
  10. banned Sokiri_the_III for trying to blow stuff right next to spawn
  11. server is down, cant access the pc remotely, will have to go to the physical location to reset the pc.
  12. crap oh well, doesnt tekkit restrict prevent it (out of curiosity to see if i need to ban it on my server as well)
  13. I still can't make a trans tablet (item 130 not the 27592 one)
  14. Hope you guys don't mind me using a modified version of my application from before we went down. Moderator Application: Ingame Name: BasarasV Age:Just hit 30 :'( Skype(If you have one, if not N/A this): Ask me in Private or Final should have it Name(Can be messaged later if you prefer it stays private):JP How long have you been playing BTT(Big Trio Tekkit)?:around 5-6 months before server went down What would you rate your Reputation on the server: Good 9/10 *Scenario Testing* A player is excessively swearing, and Spamming, you would?:warn them first..then mute...mute for longer period....kick...ban...and take screenshots as always How would you handle a bug abuser?: Investigate to see if it can be proven, if obvious ban them, else report them to an admin Would you ban a player if he griefed your base/Raided you?: I am used to getting raided, no big deal, I enjoy starting from new, as long as is not a grief based on abusing a glitch/hacking Timezone: (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) As last time i want to mainly be able to prevent annoying spamming and people going bananas for being raided.
  15. whenever JJBoomBoom logs in server crashed ..after he went to home/f home...so doing a restore
  16. restoring server to this mornings back up (from 6AM USA eastern time)
  17. ok roll back to yesterdays back up...something (probably McMYAdmin) corrupted the server. We are Online again
  18. white list is off now Mod Edit: Sorry, quad-posting.
  19. you will all see a bunch of temp personal safes right outside main entrance of spawn building ...feel free to use them while we move Please try not to build/find a new base on new world unless it wont be too far from spawn...we will put a limit on how big the world is once everyone gets settled so please either wait for that or make your base in a reasonable distance. But be warned...that F home and Home will probably be reset once we delete the old world and make this the new world. Last thing...make sure to remember the coordinates for ur new base as /f home or /home might get reset.
  20. btw you use "/mw goto NewWorld" to teleport to new world, and "/mw goto World" to teleport back to the old world. /f home and /home will teleport you to your current old world homes until you change it to the new world. The old world will eventually be erased so please make sure to move ur stuff quickly.
  21. Server is temp whitelisted...we are adding Multiworld so that we can move to a new map, the other one is over 17GB and starting to have problems...once we remove the whitelist we you will have access to the command /MW goto which lets u teleport between world. You can use alchemical bags or ur inventory to move items between worlds. You will have access to this command for a couple of day to let people move their items to the new world. We are copying over big building such as spawn and Arenas. Please bear with us.
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