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  1. Hi, ich melde mich vermutlich heute abend... mein Skype-User hat auch was mit meinem Namen hier gemein, solltest mich also erkennen können

  2. Sorry das ich hier schreibe, adde mich mal in Skype wenns möglich ist, ansonsten gib mir mal eine Kontaktmöglichkeit. Skype: rabarbar09x3

  3. thx for your reply, i will have a look soon. Any other servers? No german servers here?
  4. Hi, i hope i'm in the right section for this... if not please some mods transfer my post. thx So, what do i want? I want to play with some peoples because my local server is getting odd and playing alone ... you know, it's not so exiting to only build for yourself. So i want to play on a server with some peoples. I would prefer to play with german speaking players because its my native language and its easier to communicate. I'm not bad in english (writing) but when it comes to voice communication (skype, ts,...) its horrible and no fun for everyone . What server do i want? I hate PVP ... arena pvp is ok when i'm not forced to go there and fight but open pvp is not my style of playing. My local server had everything activated and it was cool, but i can accept if some items are banned for reasons. Mystcraft is cool because you can hide the quarry there which is getting me some materials for my projects but it's not nessesary. But Quarry is... Something about me? I play minecraft since beta (i think 2-3 years now). I'm a casual gamer with a job so i would be online at 8-10pm (GMT+1) and on weekend if my family let me play. (Family = my Wife and 1 child) This brings me to the next part... i'm old... *please help me across the road*... i'm 35 years old *g* I'm a Builder... i love to build a big home with many rooms. I love to hide my technical stuff behind walls, build big pipe systems (logistic pipes are cool). I'm a experienced tekkit player, i owned a little classic server with a friend but ... classic ... you know no updates, no new stuff. With tekkit lite came out my friend doesn't wanted to play anymore... I looked in the server section but its very time consuming to find a server there for me so i will try this way. Who wants me? Please post in this thread or send me a pm (in pm you can write german if you can *g*).
  5. Perhaps you are using too much frames? In Tekkit Classic i had a ship which denied to move around. After removing some frames it worked. Your ship is very big, much bigger than my was. I knew there were somewhere in the config files a value to change to have more allowed frames... but i don't know where now. I switched to tekkit lite and hadn't build a ship there until now.
  6. Hey, i had the same issue with my server and i found a very handy solution to get my world working again. In my world the problem was i could not play because of exessive lags. A day lasts more than 2 real life hours. I broke a block and the item came out like 3-5 sec later sometimes no item came out. So i found a way to handle this and get my world working again. I use the region-fixer to find too much items on the ground and delete them: https://github.com/Fenixin/Minecraft-Region-Fixer I use the region-fixer.exe File with this option "--delete-entities --entity-limit=100" and it will delete all items on ground and my world is then again without lags and i can play. 4000 items causeing a noticeable lag ... 10800 items causing extreme lags... i have this problem every 2-3 weeks because of our exessive usage of quarry's and transport tubes. I hope this helps you with solving the lag when happen. ;)
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