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Everything posted by SKGlish

  1. Minecraft Name: SKGlish Do you have any bans on record? No
  2. Your Minecraft username. SKGlish Your age. 22 Your general location in the world (Earth). California Your ideal starting area/biome, and most desired local resource? I like beaches, they are where I typically set up shop. I don't really have a desired resource, they are all equally needed. A general description of your ideal playstyle and any other information about you. I spend a lot of my time just mining, I make semi automated crafting machines, and I mine while they make stuff.
  3. Minecraft Username: SKGlish Age: 22 Tekkit Experience: I have been playing for a long time now Ever been banned? not even once Why This server? I like smaller servers, I dont have to worry about being in a cramped area Additional Notes: can't wait to join
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